When was the last time you Googled yourself, your company or your products? Is there anything you see that someone put out there that upsets you? There is nothing more upsetting then finding out someone walked away from your business unhappy or even worse, extremely frustrated and instead of lett...
I’m beginning this by relating a couple of experiences I recently had to give you a few ideas why you may wish to implement other sources to engage and provide customer service through (i.e., one or two social media sites). The traditional way is still needed, but one or two new ways are too. Kee...
So, what happens when a site you are registered on is hacked - like the latest episode of LinkedIn? How long did it take you to find out and change your password?Are you on the internet networks enough to see these notices come up so that you can quickly change your password, or do you just end...
I post a lot on Twitter, well more then some and less then others I guess. Yesterday I noticed in my email that all of a sudden I had a rash of followers coming on board. I also like to re-tweet for others when their topic is helpful or interesting, and it brings more attention to them. I've noti...
What would be the most important duty a Virtual Assistant (VA) could do for you and your business? Social Media? Maintain your client database? Keep your Quickbooks up to date? Set up your calendar for reminders? There are so many duties that a business support specialist (VA) can do for a sole p...
Us here in North Carolina are not on their list of investigations, but doesn't it just seem logical that if they are checking into their own procedures in 23 states, that all of the rest of the states they have supplied mortgages in should be on that list too? It only seems to reason if they are ...
"In a statement, Amazon says that, “over the past three months, for every 100 hardcover books has sold, it has sold 143 Kindle books." Mashable Now I have seen the Kindle/Nook device. They are cool looking, but do I want to carry around yet another electronic device? If you read many...
The powers that be state we are going to see another economic slowdown the second half of this year. But, the interest rates are still at an all time low!! WOW Check out Frank and Brian.
I hope that you have a little understanding into Twitter. Twitter can also be used by employers to recruit, and by people looking for jobs. If you are looking for work, find openings by following people or companies you would like to work for. Employers post Tweets for highly qualified people...
"McLean, VA – People purchasing single family HomeSteps® homes as a primary residence will receive a comprehensive two-year home warranty paid for by Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE) as part of HomeSteps' SmartBuy sales promotion. In addition, for a limited time, Freddie Mac will pay up to 3.5 percent of t...