Unit Sales Fall While Prices Rise to a New High in Vancouver WA for Condos in March 2020. We are now seeing a reduced number of condos sold owing to the State-wide, and Nation-wide response to the current Pandemic. Here are the key points for this month: The Short term Condo Sales Price (3-Month
Real Estate Sales Lagging (or, Bucking?) the County's Trend for Camas WA in March 2020 Where Clark County overall is showing a decline in unit-sales, Real Estate in Camas WA posted reasonably good results, with units-sold near the typical seasonal bottom; and prices moving up strongly hitting a
Real Estate Units Sold Take Big Drop While Prices Rise for Battle Ground WA in March 2020 Unit-sales for real estate took a much bigger drop this month as the effects of the major disruptions in the State and Country have been coming to the fore. Never the less, the inertia in the rising sales-p
Sales Price Hits New High, With a Big Drop in the Number of Properties Sold in Vancouver WA for March 2020. Vancouver WA Real Estate Sales posted lower unit-sales (number of properties sold) as the combination of Low-Inventory, Financial Market angst and Pandemic angst all came into play. Sales