( The McMinnville Market ) . . . . . . (Newberg Market ) . . . . . . (The Sherwood Market) . . . . . . (The Carlton Market ) . . . . . . (The Dayton Market) . . . . . . (The Dundee Market ) . . . . . (Yamhill County Average Price) . . .
Thanks Rene ! As Always!I often think about a section on my profile page here on Active Rain that I have never completed. I think about it a lot and I admit, it kind of haunts me sometimes. To this day I haven't added a single word here, yet I continue to contemplate as I stair into the empty spa...
Recently I had the opportunity to talk with a high-end custom home builder in the Seattle area regarding his company's web presence. He's paying a local SEO company 'a lot of money' (in his words) to get his site optimized and hopefully on page one of Google search for certain key words. He sai...
If you've got a blog or a website you've probably asked yourself - What is that little icon in the browser tab that looks like a company logo? And how do I get one on my site? It's called a Favicon and I'm going to attempt to take the mystery out of it right now. And by the way, I'm writing this...
It sounds like an odd thing to say, but in a way, Twitter is a lot like real estate itself in two ways: Many will try; fewer will "succeed" (and will give up prematurely). The relative few are lowering the reputation of both. The fact that most agents and offices do not use twitter as productivel...
Another cool tool from googleGoogle announced real estate on Google Maps this morning... In Google Maps type a "city state" and/or a "zip code". Just to the right of the "Search Maps" button, click "show search options" and select real estate in the drop down... You can ...
A few days ago Active Rainer Jim Lee shared a few word clouds he created on I couldn't resist and had to play with a few of my blogs to see what they'd look like... In social media we use the term ubiquity to describe a philosophy of online involvement. We accomplish visibility and ...
Social Media Marketing SEO and ROI with pictures... By spending just a couple of extra minutes to tweak your picutres, you'll increase your blogging SEO and ROI. Most readers will quickly eye scan the pictures on your blog post before reading and they will spend about 70% of their visit time loo...
I kind of do several things at a time, but really I know I juggle them. It's not really true multitasking. I'm not doing two or three or more things simultaneously. It's more like I have a cluster of things going on and I jump from one to another, back and forth, randomly selecting which one to ...
In social media we use the term ubiquity to describe a philosophy of online involvement. We accomplish visibility and opportunity by participating in a wide array of communities and conversation. This (we’re everywhere) method by its very nature creates havoc when it comes to keeping your online...