If you want minimize the time it takes to buy or sell a home [in this market] please suggest that buyers and sellers don't start their search ANYWHERE but with a REALTOR.We know 90% of home buyers and sellers start their search on the Internet. We want desperately to compare the homes 'for sale' ...
I would love to know the answer to this one so everyones help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. I was advised many years ago to get an ikey. An Ikey, [I was told], communicates to the ibox. An ibox is an electronic device that securely holds a house entrance key, and in order to access it, you...
I oftentimes get calls from sellers when they are counting down the days until they expire. It's like the 12 days before Christmas for them. They are riddled with anxiety, disappointment and frustration from watching everything around them come up and go down [sold] but they still remain on the m...
I love to work in the real estate industry. I love my market of Aurora Ohio and Portage, Summit and Cuyahoga Counties in general. I love and respect my clients, their families and friends. I see my clients over and over, after they move in. I watch their children grow. I know their names and thei...
Used to be; once you've negotiated an offer on your listing, you'd be in the car with your sellers, now your buyers - on your way to buying a bigger better home. Not so fast.... Explain 'why you should slow down' to your sellers. Explain what CAN go wrong to them and you'll be talking for an hour...
Some 12 years ago, I was a "First Time Home buyer" and my first mistake was not interviewing agents that would help me buy my home. I chose him from a picture and shallow me, he had a nice mustache. [He didn't look like his picture but I didn't want to be rude once we started] The second mistake ...
Heard it before? Many Times!This is NOT a discretionary sellers market. Look at what's being sold. Consider the square footage and upgrades. Price to Sell OR.....Price to Sit! If you're not getting 3-5 showings a week and If you're not willing to make the adjustment in price or change the conditi...
My hope is this blog won't be redundant but instead help someone who has had the same questions as I. Have we heard of the 8 second rule; Buyers have a tendency to make the big decision of whether or not they will make an offer on the home, in the first 8 seconds Not Selling, no offers? I always...
I have heard it all now! I represent the kindest sellers and don't ever want to get in the way of a transaction closing. I also need to act in the best interest of my clients by guiding them. This time I want to tell the sellers to say 'GET LOST'! to the buyer - BUT I CAN'T. 10k under asking pri...
Has this ever happened to you?One sunny afternoon I jumped in the car as a friend said she wanted to buy a home for her daughter. It would be a starter home and hopefully help to teach her daughter about responsibility and home ownership. Yeah! I was the lucky chosen one!We conducted a search and...