Christopher Sylvada's (chrissylvada) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Simple Listing Solutions LLC
I thought about titling this blog "How To Insure Your New Listing Generates Your Next Three Transactions" but it was to long. As I reported in my last blog entry, my FREE CAR WASH OPEN HOUSE continues to work wonders. I've taken one new listing and secured three new buyer clients over the past th...
Our notorious June gloom gave way to awesome sunshine this past Sunday and so I decided to take full advantage of the weather and offer a FREE car wash to any one attending my open house. I hired the sellers teen age son and his friend, provided a bucket, sponges, soap and chamoise. I stuck a yel...
I've just sold my last three listings here in San Diego in 8 days, 27 days and 17 days respectively. This, in a market where the average selling time can be 45 to 145 days! I've also gone on several list appointments where I chose not to list the home - period. While the homes I chose not to list...
I'm very clear on my purpose - it's to win clients for life!Follow this train of thought with me and I think you'll have fun!Okay- since I'm acutely aware of my own BS-ometer, the natural mechanism built into my internal hard drive that tells me with precision accuracy when someone is feeding me ...
Sales people talk. Consultants listen. Sales people are looking for what they can get. Consultants set out to determine what they can give. Sales people play king of the hill and constantly monitor the sales board. Consultants play rising tides and strive to create a work place environment where ...
I'm being challenged by my coach to start going after the expired listing market. He's laid out what appears to be a beautiful strategy for going after them which includes but is not limited to, calling them and knocking in their doors.The "real" strategy here he say's it not to obtain listings b...
It seems like some buyers these days consider the value of a buyer broker based on how much of his or her commission he or she is or isn't, willing to "share". I believe that this has occured because weaker agents who lack a referral base, solid systems for generating new leads and the consulting...
An interesting thing happened to me recently when I attended a two day event in La Jolla, CA to sit and learn from some HUGE producing Realtors and Lenders - it's called a paradigm shift. The event was sponsored by By Referral Only Inc ( ) and was called the 2006 St...
Here's another way of phrasing that question, "Will you buy my business?" Think about it for a second, by cutting the standard commission, you are either a) telling the consumer that your services aren't worth the standard fee b) telling the consumer that you're desperate and will do anything to ...
It's true that what you think about you bring about, so be careful. If you're always thinking, "I need more business" or "I need this listing to sell", it's very likely that you'll just continue to feed that need. The idea of "needing" means that you don't have something. Not having that "somethi...

Christopher Sylvada

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