i The Secret to Good Board Meetings. Board meetings should be productive, efficient meetings where the board conducts business. Are your board meetings productive and efficient? Does the board meet to conduct business or socialize? Are you getting the most out of your meetings? Consider doing a...
Follow these Best Practices to Keep Your HOA Running Smoothly. 1. Communicate openly and honestly with the homeowners association board. 2. Respond to information and maintenance requests promptly. 3. Be easily accessible by phone and email. 4. Prepare for Board and homeowners meetings. 5. Vigo...
Rate This Why Your Atlanta HOA May Want to Adopt the POA. In 1994, the Georgia Legislature adopted the Property Owners’ Association Act (“POA”). The POA provides significant advantages to homeowners associations. Here are some of the most important advantages of the POA: 1. Automatic Statutory...
Every HOA and Condo Association Should Have Adequate Reserves. We’ve all driven past neighborhoods in Atlanta that look horrible. The mailboxes are all different sizes, colors and shapes. The pool is closed and empty. The tennis courts are cracked and weeds are growing up through the asphalt. ...
Ten Tips for Finding the Best Atlanta Property Management Company For Your HOA. HOA management companies in Atlanta range from the mega, big-box companies to the Mom and Pop companies run by families. Regardless of the size of your association, you should understand the key differences in manag...
Changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act Could Impact Your Neighborhood Pool The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Standards for Accessible Design, which goes into effect March 15, 2011, establishes detailed guidelines for accessibility to certain commercial swimming pools, wading poo...
Know What to Look For When Reviewing a Balance Sheet A Balance Sheet is a snapshot of your Association’s finances. However, new Board members often don’t know what to look for when reviewing the Balance Sheet included in the financial packet they receive from their management company every mo...
Is Your Georgia Association Management Company Doing Its Job? Roswell, Georgia- Expert HOA management is not a luxury afforded only by neighborhood associations with large budget surpluses and high assessments. Its available to every community for no more than you’re currently paying for manag...