There is a scam going on in Real Estate here. It is something you should all be aware of especially if you are a Georgia agent as it appears it is our turn. Here is how it goes. ( And yes they tried it on us.) Buyer is usually from out of the country. You have a house listed at 1,000,000. (They o
This weeks show deals with financial aspects of home ownership . Among other things, we talk about recasting as a way to reduce your mortgage payments. We also cover special financing in the mountains. We have geared this show to economics for the new year. We hope you enjoy this and as always we
In our mountains today we are seeing more and more first time buyers come out. We do have somewhat of a shift from vacation buyers and second home buyers to folks looking to take advantage of this market. Many renters are singing the same song. The home I am renting is going in to foreclosure. W
The snow is basically gone and we are expecting temperatures in the 60's this week. So if you are thinking about looking for a home or land in our great North Georgia Mountains today, the weather, availability,prices, and interest rates all work in your favor. Shake off the cabin fever and call t
This week I have been posting about snow in the North Georgia Mountains. Yes we do have a winter here. Here are some of the photos I took of the snow I did not post earlier this week This is Thursday just after sunrise. It is a crystal Palace as frozen fog descended over night. It really is quite
For a lot of my life I was a road warrior. You know that person you see on the road with a rack across the back f the car with shirts and jackets hung on it. So along the ay i have seen some wild things people do as they are driving. When I drove n NYC it was not uncommon to see drivers driving a
This weeks show is live from the snowy North Georgia Mountains. we talk about the rule changes i HAFA as well as cover communities in the snow. Linda comes in via telephone so pardon some of the quality. We also cover the market here. We are seeing real signs of a turn around and a return to some
This is a great post from Linda Carrig about living in Big Canoe. Despite the puny snow man it gives all an idea of the great community Linda and i are fortunate enough to live in One of the most important attribute of living in a gated community, here in the North Georgia Mountains, is the extr
Today is ice day.The sun is coming out and now as the snow melts we deal with ice. This is just part of the cycle. Sally took these pictures today and they are truly lovely Yesterdaysphoto of the same scene above all you saw was white and mist. Today we see sun. The mountains are truly beautiful
As I am snowed in I am getting caught up on a lot of things and exploring new things. But there is one thing that really frosts me. Ever log into a site that says free.... or into a site that has something you want? The first question I have is, HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? It is obvious that I am inte