Only 25% of Manhattan residents own properties. 75% of Manhattan residents are renters. Among these 25% property owners, 18% are coop owners, only 6% are condo owners, 1% Manhattan residents own single family/multi-family properties.
If you are a real estate buyer or you are an agent who like to learn more about New York City's real estate market, please contact our team at Elliman is the largest residential real eatate firm in NYC. To learn how to get mortgage in the US (in Chinese language), please read th...
非美国公民也没美国绿卡人士买美国地产, 有哪几种方式来拥有产权? 个人名义? LLC(成员有限负债公司)名义? 很多人用个人的名义买地产. 当然, 如果购买大型商业地产, 在有债务问题时, 买主可能会有个人财产损失. 另外还有遗产继承等问题. 另外一种方法是用LLC(成员有限负债公司)名义买地产, 公司成员(MEMBERS)可以避免个人财产损失风险. 其缺点是开LLC公司的费用较高, 还需要付每年的特权税等. To learn more about how to purchase real estate in New York, please visit our Chinese la...
Is there any site that loan officers and real estate agents (and buyers) can share the reasons that mortgage applications were rejected by banks?
Manhattan's best deal in Upper East Side! Large studio at a prime location: The corner of 3rd avenue and 63rd street! Enjoy an ideal layout, a renovated kitchen, a stunning modern bathroom, three large closets, a separate dressing alcove area and central AC. Its sunny exposure brings great energy...
Try to find a nice doorman coop apartment at the center of everything? 180 Park Row (unit 3A) is priced below market, this corner one bedroom in the Chatham Towers is bright and spacious. With plenty of well-equipped closet space and large windows, this apartment offers an ideal layout! Entertain...
Drinving to Manhattan within 30 minutes! This stunning newly renovated 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home is only 2 blocks from the Atlantic ocean and 4 short blocks from the D, N, F and Q lines. With the feel of a seaside cottage -- the kitchen -- and dining area open up to a large and charming garden (s...
Coney Island - The place to be in the 1920s and NOW, it is happening again! - at $415,000, this stunning newly renovated 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home is only 2 blocks from the Atlantic ocean and 4 short blocks from Subway D, N, F and Q lines. Where can you find a 3 BR home - 30 minutes away from Man...
Great deal in Brooklyn's Coney Island: 30 Minutes (driving) from Downtown Manhattan, this Coney Island single family house has it all: only a few blocks away from the Atlantic Ocean, 5 minutes walk to major subway lines, 2 cars parking space, stunning newly renovated house for only $415,000. Grea...
I often have this question from foreigner buyers. 我不是美国公民, 没有美国绿卡, 也没有美国的社会安全号码, 更没有美国信用历史, 仍然能购买美国的房地产吗? 答案是可以. 首先, 你必须有足够的流动资金付首款(Down Payment)和房屋过户费用(Closing Costs).第二, 你需要想办法在美国开银行户头.如果您有高财富人士的私人银行服务(Private Banking)在美国之外也可以. 如有100万美元以上的资产, 您可在大型的国际金融公司或银行中申请开设此类服务, 私人银行服务最主要的是资产管理, 规划投资. 如...