I'm recycling some of my review of Minter's first book: Junkyard Planet: Travels in the Billion-Dollar Trash Trade to write this review ♥. Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale by Adam Minter is amusing, terrifying, inspiring, infuriating and depressing. Not the book itself, which is ...
This makes me sad. I posted this article on Tuesday April 25, 2017 about a marvelous old bridge: "This steel-truss bridge, at peace in a grassy field in Edgewood, WA was something I passed for several months on my way to and from a client. It has a venerable history, having been built in 1925 and...
Junkyard Planet: Travels in the Billion-Dollar Trash Trade by Adam Minter is amusing, terrifying, inspiring, infuriating and depressing. Not the book itself, which is wonderful: Minter is an accomplished journalist with a unique understanding of his subject matter - junkyards, scrapyards, recycli...
Sari Solden, MS and Michelle Frank, PsyD in A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD, a New Harbinger self-help workbook, teach self-validation. They approach their mission from deeply intimate perspectives: both women live with ADD, and both have dedicated their professional lives to supporting ADD-a...
A friend of mine volunteers at Resilient Hearts Animal Sanctuary, so it's TOP NOTCH. They've got a fundraising party going on this Friday,  December 16, 2022 at The Dock in Fremont, 1102 North 34th Street, Seattle, WA 98103 from 6:00PM to closing. If you can't make the party - I'm letting you kno...
Breathing Room: Open Your Heart by Decluttering Your Home is a self-help book written by Lauren Rosenfeld, a life coach who focuses on spirituality, and Dr. Melva Green, a psychiatrist on the TV show Hoarders. I watch Hoarders for white noise while I work, I dislike Hoarders, I have a guilty plea...
I wish I'd read Stuff by Randy Frost and Gail Steketee a long long time ago. Because it's the first book I would have always recommended, and it is now the first book I will always recommend, to anyone who thinks s/he/they may have hoarding challenges, or to anyone who has suffered the impact of ...
Rise Above Your Stuff: A Workbook for those Struggling to find Themselves amidst their Stuff  by Dr. Barbara Jo Dennison and Ms. Karen Kruzan is both a self-help manual for people with clutter challenges and a workbook which can be used as a supplement to their Fresh Start support group programmi...
Fresh Start: Overcoming Chronic Disorganization and Hoarding Group Manual by Barbara Jo Dennison, PhD, LISW-S and Ms. Karen Kruzan, LISW-S, CPO-CD, a manual for the development and maintenance of support groups for people with clutter challenges, is one of the few books I've ever read which I've ...
So I'm working with HS late afternoon Saturday. Up in Heron's Cove (By the way, all names are fictional). Kinda out there in the middle of it's-a-small-town nowhere. And we're doing our thing, clearing a cabinet. Knickknacks, memorabilia, tools, sewing notions. And a bullet. Big 'ol thing, good t...

Lauren Williams, CPO,CVOP

Professional Organizer: Puget Sound homes
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