Lauren Williams's (casualuncluttering) Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Casual Uncluttering LLC



Squid. My favorite cookbook of all time, and I can't give you the name - I'll explain later, has a recipe for squid. And it starts, paraphrased, "Everybody starts a recipe for squid with 'Clean the squid.' But nobody tells you how to clean the squid. Soooooo here's how you clean a squid."Chris Ha...
The Organized Mind by Daniel J. Levitin was required reading for my Level II Time Management and Productivity Specialist Certificate from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. The book is amusing, challenging and ever-so-slightly intimidating. Levitin walks his readers through progressiv...
Bolt cutters 3′ tall. Weight 15lbs. I’m 5′ tall. I was swinging that thing around like it was a hotdog I was trying to keep from my son’s unruly dog, Bacon. And now I explain. I own a garden cart for work. Big basic black workhorse, carries 175lbs. Client taught me about mine two years ago to the...
For the first time ever, I forgot to check a potential client's address before I hit the road for a walk-through. Guess I could fly to Alaska. All joking aside, it's absolutely possible to create a virtual partnership with an Alaskan.
ADHD 2.0 is Drs. Hallowell's and Ratey's latest collaboratively-written book. It's the simplest of their books that I've read, with a focus on updating and explaining concepts Hallowell and Ratey first introduced in their fundamental Distraction series, and a second focus on providing detailed, e...
I'm recycling some of my review of Minter's first book: Junkyard Planet: Travels in the Billion-Dollar Trash Trade to write this review ♥. Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale by Adam Minter is amusing, terrifying, inspiring, infuriating and depressing. Not the book itself, which is ...

Lauren Williams, CPO

Professional Organizer: Puget Sound homes
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