Carol Lee's Blog for Agoura, Oak Park, Westlake Village CA Real Estate

Real Estate Agent - Dilbeck Real Estate
Real Estate information and other tidbits for home buyers, home sellers, and other real estate professionals in the Conejo Valley- Oak Park, Agoura, Westlake, Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, and the rest of Ventura County.
Oak Park, CA Recreation and District News No Smoking In Parks:  Hurray!!  In its January 2008 board meeting, the Parks Distrct Board of Directors voted to make all district parks in Oak Park smoke free. One exception was made, and that is that a smoking permit for the patio adjacent to the Oak Pa...
Schools or Yachts-Which Is More Important?- The View From Oak Park, CAEveryone knows that schools and education are important.  Apparently so are yachts, at least in this economy.  California is facing a budget crunch.  Again.  There is a deficit of about $7 Billion.  Not a small amount by any me...
Title Insurance- What Is It and How To Shop It.Real Estate Information For Oak Park, Agoura, and Westlake  Village, CAAs a realtor, my fiduciary duty is to my clients, whether I am representing the buyer or the seller. I take this responsibility very seriously.  I am not just a company person, pu...
Time to Move Up?  Real Estate Information for Agoura, Oak Park, and All of the Conejo ValleyMany people say they would like to get a larger house, but want to wait until the real estate market settles down.  I would like to know how they will know when it is settled enough.  And then I ask my fav...
Baseball and Real Estate- The View from the Conejo Valley, CAAt first glance, Baseball and real estate seem quite different.  But are they really?  Baseball is known as the all American Pastime.  Real estate is the all American Dream- a home for every family.Both involve memories from childhood. ...
Elections, And Other Musings From The Conejo Valley Well,  here we are, the night before the elections.  And for a change, the primaries in California actually matter!  My oldest son just turned 18 a few weeks ago, and for the first time in his life, actually tried to listen to the political news...
Is The Real Estate Market Picking Up?  Real Estate Information For Agoura, Oak Park, Westlake, CA Okay, so this is not scientific information, or a true statistical analysis with beta analyses and reporting of standard deviations, or anything (especially since I hated statistics, both on an under...
About Agoura Hills  Agoura Hills, in Los Angeles County, was incorporated into cityhood in 1982.   Nestled in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains, it is rich in rolling hills and canyons, yet is only 45 minutes from busy downtown Los Angeles.  It is a unique suburban community, committed ...
Is It The Right Time To Sell My Home? Real Estate Information- Agoura, Oak Park, Westlake, And All Of The Conejo ValleySellers are starting to ask if now is the right time to put their homes on the market, or if they should wait until later in the Spring.  Why wait?  If the house is fixed and rea...
I am not usually one to be politically active or vocal, but I think this is an important issue for ALL of us realtors, Democrats and Republican.  The current loan limits on FHA and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans are absurd for many parts of the country, they certainly are here in the Conejo Val...

Carol Lee

Realtor - Agoura, Oak Park, Westlake CA Homes
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