HUD's Answer to "Is This DISCLOSURE or DISCRIMINATION?" Recently I made the post: Is This Discrimination or a Disclosure Issue? Agents were split in their responses. Some said Disclosure. Others said Discrimination. Others said they don't know. I telephoned HUD and asked the question. Be
OLD REALTORS ROCK Not that any ethical Realtor would resort to deception to get the job done, but it seemed to work well for this guy!!! I was fooled and didn't see the end coming; but I thought it was funny, and hope you can see the humor Val Vista Lakes Clubhouse 25th Anniversary Celebration
PHOTO OF THE DAY, Surry With a Fringe on Top This photo was taken around 1986 when I was based in New York and had a commuter apartment in Queens near the airport. During a day off between flights I took my camera to Central Park to see what shots I could get in the park. It was a cold, dreary
You're Reprimanding Me, But Don't Know Why??? A BELLY LANDING Almost Cost My Flying Career because of an overzealous FAA Inspector August 26, 1964, at Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan; checklists completed, take-off flaps set 12 degrees; we began our take-off roll and reached lift-off speed at 3500 feet
On GOOGLE PAGE ONE spot number 4 in 30 MINUTES I'm beginning to promote my Val Vista Lakes Clubhouse and community's 25th Anniversary, and this morning I wrote the first of a series of posts about Val Vista Lakes Anniversary that I have planned. What is very surprising to me is that the post ma
VAL VISTA LAKES CLUBHOUSE presents the RE/MAX HOT AIR BALLOON Val Vista Lakes in Gilbert AZ is celebrating their 25th year anniversary on Friday September 24, and Saturday September 25, 2010. The Public is invited to help us celebrate on Sat Sept 25. Come see the Re/Max hot air balloon up clos
Photo of the Day | Harrods This photo of Harrods in London was taken around 1985. I don't remember the exact year. However, it was during one of my London layovers and I decided I wanted a photo of Harrods at night. This was taken using my Pentax 6 x 7 and was the best image out of a full roll.
Rich Jacobson Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Agent wrote this great post on the pro's and con's of giving feedback to sellers agents. Please visit Rich's original post to leave a comment for him. BillAfter spending most of the past weekend touring prospective properties here in Kitsap County W
PAN AM series, My First Flight as Airline Pilot by Captain Bill Travis In a previous post I discussed my interview with Zantop for my first airline job. That same evening I reported at 9pm for my first flight in the C 46. The Captain had me do some paperwork, and then we went to the aircraft t
Photo of the Day About 15 years ago we were living near San Francisco, and I was doing a lot of photography with a Pentax 6 x 7 camera. One day my wife and I went to the coast on the west side of San Francisco to photograph hang gliders. A 6 x 7 camera uses roll film consisting of 10 shots, a