PAN AM: FREE BOOK OFFER; "PAN AM CAPTAIN, Aiming High" A FREE pdf version of the book is being offered to a select number of people willing to read the book and write a brief Review to be placed on Amazon. " Pan Am Captain, Aiming High" by Captain Bill Travis The Pan Am book is expected to be r
PAN AM: The book "Pan Am Captain, Aiming High" My book is making excellent progress. The title of this blog could be the name of the book. The decision has yet to be made, but Pan Am Captain, The Vision Goals and Experiences, sort of tells what the book is about and is a contender for the title.
Gentlemen I Need a Screw in the Galley, About This Long Pan Am had many foreign national Flight Attendants because we flew all over the world, and that required Pan am to hire multi-lingual Flight Attendants. Most of the European countries have English as their second language, and people in many
PAN AM, by Captain Bill Travis, Pan Am Retired It took a long time to make this decision, but after my wife and friends kept telling me I should write a book about my life with Pan Am, I've finally decided it's time. Recently, I told a story about Pan Am to one of my daughters and she also said I