Real Estate Marketing Tips

Services for Real Estate Pros - Real Estate Marketing - Go Smart Solutions
Real Estate Video Advertising Free for Subscribed ClassifiedFlyerAds Members At, we've been offering video creation and advertising for some time now. But now we're offering it to subscribed members at no additional cost and with no extra effort! If subscribed members uploa...
Homebuyers are searching online.It is no secret that posting your property listings online is a smart marketing strategy, especially with the most recent report from NAR showing that now 87% of homebuyers use the Internet to search for a home (up from 84% in 2007). If you’re not already doing so...
Whether writing a title for your online classified flyer or a post on your blog, it is very important to do it right. An effective title can oftentimes be the difference between a successful effort and a flop. Here are some tips to consider:   For Online Classified Flyers Online flyer ads are gre...
  I'm conducting a re-blogging test with this post (in response to Bill's latest post), but it's a good read if you haven't come across it yet!   Via Real Estate Advertising - Misty Lackie: I had a client contact me recently and ask “How can I get my services to place in multiple slots on the 1st...
The Blog World Expo in Las Vegas was quite an illuminating experience, with each session revealing tips, trends, and tools to help businesses and bloggers get the most out of their online social networking and blogging efforts. There was so much valuable information passed along that it's hard to...
Before we dive in, I’ll start with three questions: Do you send regular newsletters to your buyers and/or sellers? Do you send regular newsletters to your Real Estate contacts? If YES to the above questions, how much time do you spend? If NO to the above questions, why not?   THE NEWSLETTER Now t...
"Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits." - Thomas Edison I don't need to mention that the real estate market is not exactly "hot" right now. Everyone knows that; homesellers know it, buyers know it, the guy at Starbuck's knows it, and real estate professionals definitely know it. So ...
Everyone loves free stuff. After all, why pay money for something you can get without forfeiting any of your hard earned cash? I am not the first to say this, and certainly will not be the last, but FREE always has a cost - maybe not a direct monetary cost, but a true cost nonetheless. For exampl...
"Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment, and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing." - Thomas Edison You are guilty of it...
"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." - Thomas Edison If  you are just tuning in, this post is Part 3 of a 5 week series on how to "motivate and help real estate professionals think outside the box and try new things" with their marketing. Using quotes from the...

Candis Hidalgo

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