The Budget Constraint: it's what the consumer can afford! Let's think of it from the buyer's perspective...We all want to increase both the quality and quantity of the goods that we purchase/consume. We want: Exotic vacationsExpensive carsTo eat at the most expensive restaurantsWe only consume l...
Let's Recap: The 30 Year Fixed Mortgage averaged 5.96%, down from 6.10% just last week. The 15 Year Fixed Mortgage averaged 5.65%, down from 5.73% just last week. The 1 Year Adjustable Rate Mortgage averaged 5.46%, up from 5.43% just last week. The Week Ahead: The biggest news on the Economic Ca...
That's right! We have some loan-to-value reductions, limited coverage with respect to Mortgage Insurance and some increased prices to go along with it all. MGIC Investment Corp. is the nation's largest mortgage insurer. On Friday, they announced plans of raising prices and limiting their coverag...
President Bush & Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson announced our government's plan to Freeze ARM Interest Rates yesterday afternoon. You can read the proposal here. Though many call it a Subprime "bail-out" plan, President Bush said that it is everything but for investors. It is estimated t...
This has got to be the most sophisticated explanation of our subprime mess and the ensuing credit crisis...and I say this with a hint of sarcasm!Watch...laugh or cry (whatever your pleasure)...and enjoy!
I've experienced this scenario one too many times...Borrower: Mr. Bueno I'd like to refinance out of my current loan. You hear all the news today about low 6% and I'm holding 7.5%. So you must understand, something doesn't quite fit. Or am I missing something here? Me: Well mam...Borrower: But wa...
I'm starting a new series at The Industry Report. It will be similar to that of a Book Club in that I'll be reviewing chapters in a series of posts and hi-lighting relevant/important financial concepts. If you've read the book, I encourage you to follow along in the series and contribute your ins...
I'm local to Eagle Rock...after all I grew up there! For those of you not familiar with the area, Eagle Rock is part of North East Los Angeles (speaking of which, if you want to get familiar with North East Los Angeles, you can visit; I'm a contributing editor there). The picture on...
"I've had my house listed for (7) seven damn freakin' months now!!! My 'so-called' Realtor put a sign in the yard and I haven't seen him/her since. I call and I call but it all goes straight to voice-mail! After this long of having it Listed you'd think the sign on the left would look like the s...
From the San Francisco Chronicle: "On Tuesday, Wells Fargo said it will set aside $1.4 billion for home-equity loans it expects to go bad in 2008 and 2009. What it didn't say in its news release was that these are not loans to borrowers with subprime credit scores. 'This was a prime portfolio,' W...