Bryan King's (bryanking) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - NC Gen Contr 51233
For some, the holidays are "the most wonderful time of the year," but to others, they're more of a burden. Not only must gifts be bought, food made, decorations put out, and events hosted, but behind the scenes you must make sure your home stays warm, that there's no leaks in your plumbing, and m...
As contractors who repair and restore flooded homes, we see firsthand the growing problem that is flood insurance. With flood maps decades too old, and FEMA still in debt from Katrina, homeowners who've lost everything to these floods are not receiving the money they're due from their insurance. ...
Did you know that 50% of the air in your home comes from your crawl space?!It's true, half of the air you're breathing in your home is rising from the crawl space beneath your house. Ventilation provides a direct pathway for the air, but due to the stack effect, the air also rises through your fl...
Find out by reading our latest blog at 
Did you know...Fact no. 5 : Mold does not decompose a McDonald's happy meal?!Even after 4 months, the McDonald's food does not break down or decompose. The mold growth increases but the food remains in tact. For more crazy mold facts...not quite as off-putting, check out our latest blog!Mold Mani...
Check out our recent blog over at Remtechenvironmental.comMatthew's Hidden Danger: 5 Ways To Avoid Mold Growth After A Flood  
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So you’ve decided to put your house on the market. You spruced up the paint, had the carpets cleaned and maybe even installed a few upgrades throughout your home. You list your home with a great realtor and your house is under contract in a matter of days. The day of the inspection rolls around a...
The housing market is hot here in the Raleigh area. Homes are selling in a matter of days. So what happens when the house you’re in the process of purchasing has mold?You found your dream house, your bid was accepted, it’s time to get the ball rolling towards closing. The day of the inspection co...
I had the privilage of guest blogging over at Casey Services today. I discussed mold in ductwork. Check out Remtech Environmental to grab the link!

Bryan King

Remtech Environmental
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