...that the real estate board game Monopoly was invented in 1934 by Charles B. Darrow? His first version of the game was rejected by Parker Brothers due to design flaws. After Darrow sold 5,000 handmade sets of the game to a Philadelphia department store, Parker Brothers agreed to sell the game. ...
Need a reason to get rid of those old jeans you no longer wear? Instead of throwing them away, turn them into sustainable and eco-friendly housing insulation and save a little dough for yourself in the process! From now until October 20th, take advantage of the Gap's Recycle Your Blues campaign....
Studies have shown that it takes about a twentieth of a second for Web surfers to make a decision about a site (so I may have lost some of you already) and only about seven seconds to make a good first impression in person. Believe it or not, this includes homes too! Within seconds after ente...
Enjoy the holidays Plaza-style from the comforts of this immaculate West Plaza bungalow! Move-in ready, yet loaded with charm. A Must-See at $145,000!!! This 2-bedroom home features wood floors, crown molding, a claw foot tub, high ceilings, designer colors, custom blinds and more! Ful...
When considering curb appeal, most people instantly think of removing shrubs and trees. However, when planted correctly and strategically, trees and shrubs can not only make your home more attractive, they may even save you money in the long run. And what better time to plant those trees and s...
Thanks to the millions of apps and widgets out there, I have managed to build my iGoogle page to quite the source of useful, and useless, information. Fortunately, some of the little tidbits that my eyes span daily actually make me stop and ponder. the spirit of good fun and entertain...
According to official numbers released by USD 232, enrollment for the 2010-2011 school year increased by 174 students in grades K-12...a jump of 165 students at the secondary level and 9 at the elementary level. Overall headcount jumped to a total of 6700 students. Most believe the increase is ...
Lakepointe has quite the pickings for houses right now if you're looking to live in Western Shawnee. Lakepointe currently has 18 active homes listed for sale ranging in price from $127,990 to $365,000, three to five bedrooms/2+ baths available. In the past 90 days, 6 homes have sold...ranging f...
Nothing kicks off the Fall season in Kansas City better than cooler temps and these fun activities. Take a look at what's happening in our area this weekend: Plaza Art Fair Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, MO September 24 - 26 Cost: Free Admission Details: Come see over 200 artists sharing thei...
In today's market, more than 50% of buyers are first-time home buyers. That's an amazing statistic considering where we've been and where we're headed (meaning the economy). But, given the recent tax credit program and the all time lows in interest rates, who can blame them? An independen...