Everyone is looking into their crystal balls right now, trying to figure out where the market is going in 2007. Is it going to get worse? Is the bubble popping? Or are we having a “soft landing”, and a return to normalcy? As usual, the Marin Independent Journal takes it to extremes, with a recen...
One of the ways I can tell how educated a buyer is about home buying is by the questions they ask. One I get a lot at open houses is ” How many days has this been on market?” Is it a valid measure of anything? Carol Lloyd, in the Chronicle’s “Surreal Estate” column, has a lot to say this week ab...
One of the great things about Marin County, and living here, is the incredible appreciation people have for the land, and the way it has been preserved with parkland and farms. It’s also one of the factors that keep prices high, because that land is not being used for housing. There’s a new stor...
I have a listing for a triplex in Larkspur, priced at $1,175,000. I think it’s a great listing for lots of reasons, not the least of which it is just steps from downtown Larkspur. A recent change at the property makes it highly desirable from a buyer perspective now. The best and biggest unit, a ...
We’re almost at the end of 2006. As noted in previous posts, the market is showing some signs of firming up, partly because we are now measuring against numbers from a year ago that were declining. Buyer’s or Seller’s Market? We consider it a Buyer’s Market when percent of homes in contract is b...
I've been writing about off market sales this week, since I have been involved in one and it's an interesting experience. By Off Market, I mean no sign, no MLS listings, no ads, no nothing. The agent calls other agents who they know have buyers for this type of property, and asks them to bring th...
Why would anyone sell their house off market, in other words, no sign, no MLS listing, no publicity at all? After all, isn't the number one rule in selling a house getting maximum exposure?Yes, it is, but there are certain situations where an owner wants to sell their home off-market, and I thi...
I just got one of my clients into contract on house that never was advertised, never was on MLS, never even had a sign out in front of it. In other words, almost no one knew the house was for sale. How did I know about it? I knew the agent who represented the seller, and she knew that I had a cl...
The Marin IJ just published their monthly real estate article, and not surprisingly, the stats show sales down, but prices stable. The source is different than mine. I use MLS statistics, the IJ refers to DataQuick, but the stories are similar, I believe. In my summary two weeks ago, I said the ...
Effective January 1, 2007, owners of residential income property in Marin County (and the entire state of California) will have a new law to contend with. On that date, a new state law goes into effect that requires landlords to give tenants on periodic leases (e.g. month-to-month) who have been ...