Bankruptcy is one of the scariest words a lender can hear. A bankruptcy filing can stall their ability to foreclose by 6 months, and sometimes as long as a year. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale to avoid foreclosure by clicking here. The lenders know that most bankruptcies...
The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Chad. Here is Chad's Question. "I own a condo in Hackensack, New Jersey. I purchased in 2007, pre-construction for $375k and have a mortgage balance of $337k. I have been trying to sell my unit for upwards of 2 years with no succes...
The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Dave. Here is Dave's Question. "I bought several investment properties at the peak of the market. The homes have dropped in value by almost 40% and I am losing money on the rent every month. I am sick of writing a check every single...
In my opinion, loan mods are very tough to negotiate with large lenders like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, or SunTrust. The reason is because you are treated like a number. In addition, in most cases the lender doesn’t own your loan. Someone else does. So when they negotiate wit...
This is good news or bad news, depending on how you look at it. Here is the good news. If you are a little guy having financial problems, then you are not alone. Even Billionaires are being foreclosed on. One billionaire real estate developer in Florida had several projects foreclosed on. Anothe...
Here are four specific examples of big bank’s negligence causing a loan owner to lose money. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale to avoid foreclosure by clicking here. Example #1: Not giving buyers an answer on a short sale within one week. Home buyers don’t like to wait 3-6...
Here is a shocking fact that most of the American Public doesn’t know. Most mortgages are not owned by banks. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale to avoid foreclosure by clicking here. In addition, most of the huge losses on bad mortgages was not lost by the banks themselves....
The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Durry. Here was Durry’s Question. "We have American Home Mortgage Servicing, a loan processor for a Mortgage held by Deutche Bank, adding a 1% “processing fee” that ONLY the buyer can pay at closing. This was never revealed until we...
The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Steve. Here is Steve's Question. "I divorced six years ago. We had had our home on the market for some time, but it wasn't selling. My ex needed money to buy another home. Since it wasn't selling, we refinanced and split the equity...
Sometimes it seems like short sales are tough. “Don’t try to short sale your house. Short Sales never go thru”, people tell you. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale to avoid foreclosure by clicking here. This isn’t true. Here is how one agent beat the odds and succeeded with...