Financial Strategies by Bill Roberts

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Bill Roberts writes about everything you need to make informed decisions regarding your financial well-being from utilizing your IRA, to buying a business, to managing your mortgage for tax advantages and net worth, to investing in land and other investment real estate
This is MY STORYIt was 1961, only 16 years after the end of WWII. I was a young (18years old) kid in the US NAVY on my first WestPac (Western Pacific)cruise. My ship was in Sasebo Japan.Most of my shipmates used their "Liberty" to visit the bars and thegirls. That wasn't my lifestyle, so I became...
Retirement Planning - A Tool For Real Estate Brokers Our generation, The Baby Boomers, CANNOT retire. For most of us,the plan is to work until we die.But it doesn't need to be this way. With a little bit of effort we could"develop" an income stream which will pay most of our living expenseswithou...
How I "do" ActiveRain. I start my day by opening my AR blog. I allocate abouttwo hours to this activity EVERY day.First, I answer all comments to my blog posts. This is  very important.It isn't just about being couteous, but it is GOOD BUSINESS. Peoplewant to know that you are interested in what ...
Since Donald Trump is on course to get the most Republican primaryvotes EVER, how can some of the Republican insider elites still be saying #Never Trump?Well, the answer is very simple. Trump will cancel their gravy train.They want you to think it is all about ideology, but it is not.Follow the M...
A word about prices and what is happening in the good ol' UnitedStates of America.Everybody knows home prices are going up. They are going up 10 -20% year over year.Why?Well, the simple answer is lack of inventory. There are very few NEWhouses being built.You see statistics on the TV that say hou...
I Am A Conservative, But.....I am a conservative, but I don't care if Trump is really a conservative or not because I like his positions on immigration, taxes, terrorism, jobs (FREE trade), and the size of government in general.This is a conversation that we all need to have.Many on the right are...
Boy Did I Get A Wrong NumberI have a client that owns a house in a Dallas suburb. He wants to sell it.He REALLY wants to sell it.He might sell it to a relative that lives in the neighborhood.But, then again, he might not.Personally, I think it is out of the reach of my client's cousin. Heoffered ...
Real Estate and FreedomToo many people within the real estate industry don't really knowwhich side their bread is buttered on.They are politically "Liberal" and don't see that as an inconsistency.But the truth is that the liberal-progressive agenda is anathema to theconcept of property rights.The...
All Eyes Are On WisconsinNext Tuesday Wisconsin will hold it's primary. The race is very closebetween Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Even John Kasich is "in thisrace."The Party (The Grand Old Party) is at risk of disintegrating before ourvery eyes.Donald Trump in only 501 delegates away from securing...
This is the kind of investment I really believe in. Being next to the tracks is a plus. The only thing better would be to be on a highway. Call Mike, he probably has that too. If you are an Investor in the Stock Market or Commercial should look at buying tillable Nebraska farm la...

Bill Roberts

"Baby Boomer" Retirement Planner
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smartphone(619) 244-4610
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Everything that the "Baby Boomer" needs to make sound financial decisions regarding real estate investing and retirement planning. Business Opportunities, self-directed IRA retirement plans, and mortgage strategies.