Bigger Gains Blog

Education & Training - Bigger Gains International, LLC
The vision at Bigger Gains International is to be the standard in personal development tools and training that individuals use to move from captivity to freedom. Purpose To help individuals increase their personal freedom, so they are increasingly capable to, in turn, do the same for others. Mission To create training and tools that inspire and empower individuals to reach their ever-increasing capabilities.
Kenn Sullivan has written 29 members-only posts on ActiveRain. Please log in to read his or her work!

Kenn Sullivan

local_phone(469) 300-1930
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The vision at Bigger Gains International is to be the standard in personal development tools and training that individuals use to move from captivity to freedom.

Purpose To help individuals increase their personal freedom, so they are increasingly capable to, in turn, do the same for others.

Mission To create training and tools that inspire and empower individuals to reach their ever-increasing capabilities.

Check our blog for information about: real estate coaching, personal development coaching, bigger gains, captivity to freedom, coaching, direct response marketing, leadership training, motivational training, people; builder, personal development coach, personal development system, professional sales training, rci, relative capacity indicator, sales leadership training, short sales, short sales servicing, success coaching, success training

Bigger Gains International, LLC