As many of you are aware Mother's Day is this Sunday. As a mother, I could say we really love it when creativity is involved when it comes to gifts. It isn't how much money you spend, it is the time you spend. Creativity is one of Spotlight ON Style's niche and over the next couple days we will p...
Design Trends / Design Ideas / Home Staging / Home Improvements Do bring the outdoors in. One design idea is bringing fresh flowers, sticks and grass are all things that will help brighten a room. Gives the designer touch. Don't buy furniture in a set. Mismatch furniture, it adds character to...
Don't start a project that you can't handle. We are all guilty of it, biting off more than we can chew. Complete one project before you start the next.Do your research prior to starting the project. Talk to professionals, even the staff at Home Depot would be able to give you...
Home Staging is a marketing tool used by Real Estate Agents and home owners to bring value to their home. It is a quick, easy and cheaper way to get your house ready for sale. Doing so will not only attract buyers to your home, it will bring the right buyers who will put the offer down. It will a...
Prospective buyers make up their minds about your house even before they get out of the car. To create positive energy, clean up your yard, edge your gardens, remove weeds, prune the over-grown shrubs, rake the leaves, shovel the snow and sweep driveways and porches. Get out the rags and cleaners...