APRIL 24th AND 25th 2010, from 9am to 5pm on Highway 101 between D and J Streets in Downtown Encinitas featuring 450 arts and craft vendors, four live stages, rides for children and a beer garden. Over 100,000 shoppers are expected to visit, shop and dine at the two day Encinitas Street Fair. The...
Since 1948 the Carlsbad Strawberry Company has been growing strawberries in Carlsbad. That pre dates hwy 5. They are located off hwy 5 and the Cannon exit in Carlsbad. The fields are open everyday during strawberry season from 9-5:30. ...
Looking for Homes for Sale in the San Marcos Ca area?San Marcos Ca offers some of the best value for your money in today's real estate market for fist time home buyer.If you are a first time home buyer or even looking to move up to a bigger home, San Marcos has you covered.With great school ratin...
Looking for Homes for Sale in the San Marcos Ca area?San Marcos Ca offers some of the best value for your money in today's real estate market for fist time home buyer.If you are a first time home buyer or even looking to move up to a bigger home, San Marcos has you covered.With great school ratin...
We are seeing homes under $500,000 regardless if they are a short sale, bank owned foreclosures, REO’s or just a plain old regular sales are receiving multiple offers and are selling quickly in just a few days on the market with aggressive marketing. Multiple offers are the norm and in select are...
I can't believe the end of the year is upon us already!Which also means it is time for all the end of the year stuff too!First on the list is Halloween.If you have little ones... there is nothing funner (is that a word) for them then a trip to Legoland California to the Brick or Treat is...
I have been tying to figure out what is the best way to back up my computers for some time now...Now that pretty much all my client files are on my computer along with a life time of pictures.My wife would KILL me if one day all those pictures were gone.Lets face it, in the computer world, it is ...
It is that time of year again for the Miramar Air Show is on October 2, 3, 4 Gates open at 8amshows from 9-4On Saturday the 3rd they have a twilight air show from 5:30-9It is free admission, free parking, free blanket seating.If you would like preferred seating and more info goto:www.mira...
I had been having trouble with my homes water pipes. I really did not know what the deal was other then;My pipes rattled if the dishwasher was on and you had a faucet running.It was awful if two showers were running.You knew when the sprinklers were on, you could hear the water pipes all through ...
Museum Day for the San Diego County Museum'sOn this Saturday September 26th 2009 ( 9/26/09 )The Smithsonian Magazine is sponsoring a free entry to all San Diego Museums:San Diego Natural History MuseumSan Diego Air and Space Museum (one of my favorites)Birch Aquarium at ScrippsQuail Botanical Gar...