A growing number of crooks who steal your identity don't swipe your personal information to pilfer from your financial accounts. They want to get their hands on your home and snatch it right out from under you. Modern day malefactors are mindful of the fact that while you may have quite a s
For anyone that is interested in purchasing a foreclosure, here are some very good reasons to buy a new home foreclosure.1. You don't have to worry about the old homeowner destroying the property before they leave.2. Most of them are already complete but if they are not, a lot of the time it's ju
I have a client that put a contract on a Town home in Lawrenceville Georgia mid September 2007 with a national builder. The Builders policy is not to start construction until all units were sold in that building. The builder released the building in early February (with 2 units not sold) and set
As a new blogger, I am sure I will screw this up somehow but here goes. I recently joined a group to learn how to blog and blog effectively. Our first assignment is to write a blog about our business and what we do, so to complete my assignment and stay out of hot water with Cheryl, here goes....