The first Members of the SC National Guard Are expected back today. A group of 160 soldiers will fly in to the Pope Air Force Base in N.C.The rest of the 218 Th soldiers are excepted between now and mid May.Thanks for a job well done and for what you give to our country so that we may live our l
Crown Mouldings speak elegance and style for room enhancements. But many are reluctant to tackle such a complex do-it-yourself upgrade. But crown mouldings can be a weekend project for almost anyone now. Now skill required! If you can handle a ladder and a caulk gun your set!New products like So
Meet with the builder face to face before you buy a lot or invest in plans. Exspect to dish out a retainer of at least $1000.00. Cost estimation is a long and tedious job and no builder worth your time will do it for free. General estimates are free.Know what you want in terms of materials. Dis
Video seems to be the wave of the future and is a great tool to use. By clicking on Homer below you will be taken to a video of how Modular homes are built, transported, placed on the foundation and finished.I use this tool for anyone new to this type of construction and for anyone just intereste
Do Your Part to Protect the Environment Go Green Most people don't realize that their home impacts the environment more than their car. Research shows that more than half of all greenhouse gases and pollutants come from buildings. As a society we have built our economy on energy that will eventua
Real IDHomeland Security grants an extension that Gov. Mark Sanford didn't ask for. Under protest and disapproval Mark Sanford refused to comply sighting the cost far outweighs the benefits or Real ID. The Governor's stand was cheered by many that fear the Real ID and the
This is the most asked question I get as a builder. Everyone wants to know how much it costs per square foot but only THEY can answer this question.When building a custom home there are many things that go into pricing. Construction method, Materials used, type of foundation, elevations, lot slop
Being a custom home builder I get asked all the time. The market and evolution to more Green Built homes have made off site built AKA modular a more sensible choice. By virtue they are green built just by the way they are manufactured. Less waste and tighter construction with more energy efficien
If you are an avid outdoors-man as I am you will not want to miss this. Its red neck heaven as my wife calls it. Great food and fun for you and the kids. Raffles, free exzibits for the kids with lots to do. Come join us there. Here is the scoop on the event! Doors will be open from noon to 8 p.m.