Access the power of our local MLS while on-thego, using your smart phone... Driving through neighborhoods? Spending hours at night searching the same criteria online? Tired of finding dated information that is no longer accurate on third party websites? Now you can outsmart other home buyers with...
Mortgage rates saw moderate change throughout the short week of the New Year Holiday, while the US economic and employment outlooks improved. Jobless Claims were better than expected, remaining below their 350,000 cap for an improving job market. While Pending Home Sales fell slightly short of t...
Getting yourself in order for the New Year? Maybe that means reflecting on the year passed - what it brought to you, and what you brought in return. Losing weight, quitting that bad habit, picking up a good habit? Did you think about making it a resolution to get your finances and budget in order...
Have fun. Be safe. See you in the New Year!
We're winding down the year, and approaching a new… Interesting read over at Hella Mitschke Rothwell's "There is nothing like experience to make a great real estate agent…" She speaks about the learning curve in real estate and what she had to learn through experience, over many painful listings,...
These days approaching Christmas are so special. A time for family and friends to join together, for traditions to be made and carried on, and for many to remember a pushed-aside priority of this season - togetherness. In my years as a Realtor, I've not seen another quite like 2013. I'm so thank...
It’s been another fantastic year here at Dallas City Center, and I’m looking forward to what 2014 brings. Hard to believe it will be my sixth year of real estate come next Spring! I'm (finally) bringing myself to write a few cards, and get my e-hugs together for a warm greeting to clients... Your...
As of January - Changes to Lending Arrive: FHA on January 1st will be increasing it Maximum Loan Limit to $287,500, from $271,050 This makes the Maximum Sales Price $297,900 if our clients want to use the minimum down payment of 3.5% Remember FHA has Mortgage Insurance for the life of the loan re...
The holidays are fast approaching and perhaps you have a friend or loved one that just completed (or will soon) the purchase of a new home. Free ride to presentville, party of one! Housewarming gifts never get old, and with some patience, you can pick the exact gift that will leave them speachles...
EVERY once in a great while, Dallas will feel the full extent of winter's approaching fury. We usually don't feel any blip in the balmy breeze until February, with many a memory of our first 'freeze' right around Valentines. This year, however, Mother Nature came calling early. More than 100,000...