Steve Shapiro's (arch_1977) Blog

Education & Training - Arch Tax Resolution
 I represent taxpayers in the greater St. Louis area and the state of Missouri. New IRS leadership is intent on narrowing the tax gap and audits on are the rise. Most audits these days are being done by mail instead of a live person. Hence a correpondence audit to the return based on the discrepa...
I represent taxpayers in the greater St. Louis area and the State of Missouri. A long standing client of mine had to file bankrupcy as a result of his business failing and the home was entangled in the bankrupcy estate.A buyer almost walked away from the purchase of there dream home as a result o...
I represent taxpayers in the greater St. Louis area and the state of Missouri. If a taxpayer has been ignoring the IRS a levy will get your attention. This is a seizure of a taxpayers property in order to resolve an outstanding tax issue. This doesn't just happen. Before IRS enforecement begins y...
I represent taxpayers in the greater St. Louis area and the state of Missouri. If you have identifed by the IRS as having an outstanding tax issue you are now in the collections arena. In order to get the IRS off your back first your have to be in compliance which means all tax returns have to be...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area and state of Missouri. You have failed to open your letters from the IRS until finally you get a certifed letter. This gets your attention. If either of those letters are letter 11 or 1058 depending if you have been assigned to a local revenue ...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area and the state of Missouri. Perhaps you know of someone that is on IRS's radar as a result of non filed tax returns or has a balance due from previous years. Fear of the unknown when you have IRS problems causes sleepness nights.  So how do you ...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area and state of Missouri. Recently statistics released by the IRS indicates that enforcement is on the rise. Levies of bank acccounts and other assets increased over 7% from the prior year. Now you have been contacted by the IRS and they want to b...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis metropolian area and the rest of the State of Missouri. How long does the IRS have to collect the tax that is owed yet better known as the statute of limitations.The date of assessment assuming that all returns have been filed the IRS has 10 years t...
I represent taxpayers in St. Louis and the rest of the state of Missouri who have tax issues. For taxpayers to resolve back tax issues, they need to propose a payback plan to the IRS. How does a taxpayer want to pay the tax debt?There are a number of payment plan options for resolving a tax debt,...
I represent taxpayers in St. Louis and the rest of the state of Missouri who have tax issues. Recently the IRS has been in the news regarding an increase in there budget request that has been granted. Addtional revenue officers and revenue agents have been hired and as a result an increase in col...

Steve Shapiro

Tax Professional helping taxpayers
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