Steve Shapiro's (arch_1977) Blog

Education & Training - Arch Tax Resolution
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area, the State of Missouri and nationwide who have IRS and state tax issues. There still is a lot of confusion regarding all of the loan programs so I thought we would just focus on the loan opportunites and limitations for the EIDl program.The bas...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area, the State of Missouri and nationwide who have IRS and state tax issues.When it comes to getting financial help from the goverement one this is for certain. Constant change.On June 30 the Payroll Protection Program was to end. It seems that the...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area, the State of Missouri and nationwide who have IRS and state tax issues. As we move into the initial stages of reopening the rules continue to change regarding how and when loan forgivness will be considered. Since there are many questions to b...
I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area, the State of Missouri and nationwide who have IRS and state tax issues.With all the buzz about the different loans out there I have been getting lots of questions about the two so I thought I would give a summary of how each one works. Paychec...
I represent taxpayers in the greater St. Louis area, the state of Missouri and by being admitted to practice before the IRS nationwide as well. Most people have heard about the PPP loans and how the big corporations are getting all the money. But if you are self employed and you are a scheldule C...
I represent taxpayers in the greater St. Louis area, the state of Missouri and by being admitted to practice before the IRS nationwide as well. First of all I hope everyone is safe and healthy.  The news changes daily regarding the loan programs and let me share what I have learned.1. Economic In...
 I represent taxpayers in the greater St. Louis area, the state of Missouri and by being admitted to practice before the IRS nationwide as well. First of all I hope everyone is safe and healthly. Though a nightmare for all this too shall pass.There is a lot of confusion regarding the IRS so I tho...
I represent taxpayers in the greater Saint Louis area, the state of Missouri and by being admitted to practice before the IRS can represent tax payers nationwide. Recently the IRS has stepped up there audit activity simply by contesting simple tax returns.One of the strategies that I have seen ju...
I represent taxpayers in the greater Saint Louis Missouri area as well as the state of Missouri and nationwide who have IRS back tax issues as well as unfiled returns. A lot of people find themselves in hot water when it comes to money and spending.  This week, though, as tax season is definitely...
I represent companies and individuals in the St. Louis, surrounding areas and the state of Missouri who have IRS and State Tax problems that include unfiled tax returns and past-due taxes. As the new year has arrived it also means it's time to deal with one of our favorite pastimes, filing of las...

Steve Shapiro

Tax Professional helping taxpayers
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