All the Moo's that's fit to print

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Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX of Naperville
Ramblings of Bovine inspiration
To stage or not to stage, that is the question. Well, not anymore... I want my seller's homes staged for sale so that they don't lose out on marketing opportunities and especially valuable resale dollars. Why wouldn't we want our sellers to maximize their position? After 18 years of selling lots ...
Took a trip to the new Kerasotes Showplace 16 to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean (thumbs up) movie. My son Trevor and I were mighty glad to see an assortment of four flavors on the refillable Icees.Marsh foods has sold their only store (111th & 59) in the area to Caputos Fresh Market, known ...
According to the Multiple Listing Service of Northern Illinois As of today there are 196 single family homes on the market in Naperville priced at; or over, $1,000,000. This does not include all of the robust custom home  build to orders (for instance, we just sold one in Jefferson Estates that w...
So, How is is Naperville doing in this real estate melee? Bubble market? No, Naperville has enjoyed steady growth over the years (an average of about 8% per year) it would be a small bubble to burst. The general concensus seems to be that overall, the market in Naperville has "normalized"... mean...
Congratulations once again to the Exchange Club of Naperville in their fight against child abuse. Early predictions that I've heard are that they raised about $500,000 this year for the cause. Approximately 260,000 people visited Knoch Park over the four days to enjoy the great food, the music an...

Angus in Naperville IL

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Ramblings of Bovine inspiration