All the Moo's that's fit to print

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Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX of Naperville
Ramblings of Bovine inspiration
Do you ever duck down a different aisle of the store because you just saw someone whose name you should know? I do all of the grocery shopping in our house and have been known to plaster a phone to my head in order to buy a little thinking time.In a can usually get away with "Oh, hi......
How do you handle closings in your market?In my area we use Attorneys in almost all cases. What that means is that the agents put the deal together, we negotiate, fill out the contracts, get them signed etc... and then send them over to both of the Lawyers (Buyers and Sellers) who have five busin...
This is a quick snapshot in poor lighting with my new HTC TyTn Windows based phone and swiss army knife (well, it does do almost everything) If you'l remember I discussed my poor impulse controls last week and that made it inevitable that I would act... *sigh*The phone has two cameras, one on the...
Over the years I've used several different vendors for virtual tours, but have always preferred to post lot's of pictures and a floor plan instead of the 360 pics.I really dislike using virtual tour with noise (they call it music) because I think a whole lot of people are checking these things at...
 More... just having fun... OK, so... day 2... here are a couple more direct mail (Jumbo) postcards that I've done in the past.   See... I do on occasion use real Angus cattle...    So... maybe the three "cow" garage was a little "over the top"...   It's funny that people think Angus is a great ...
How do you feel about really low offers? I welcome them. I try to prepare my sellers for low offers, I let them know that it doesn't matter where you start... it's where you finish, I also tell them not to be insulted... the buyer could have picked someone elses property to make the offer on, but...
These were both Jumbo postcard mailings that I sent out to my farm area... I also sent them to my sphere... It's a great way to get some attention and start some dialog... but mostly it's an "awareness campaign" designed to get people to think about me. (hopefully in a positive manner) I have mor...
I was asked in another thread why I use spotted cows (holsteins) instead of Black Angus steers....I had my original logo done in 1991 by a now defunct company called Jungle Solutions.  At the time very few people were doing any kind of personal branding, but it was something that I wanted to do a...
When I got into the business, my broker told me to go knock on doors and call people in the neighborhood where I lived. So, being new and desperate... I did. There are about 400 single family homes in that neighborhood and over the years, I've sold over 200 of them (well, not quite... one house I...
Some of you people will be way ahead of me on this... most will not.Over the years I've used Pegasus, Gold Mine, many versions of Outlook (Outlook express too) and Eudora, to get the e-mail via POP (post office protocol) from the server hosting my domain. Because I am the way t...

Angus in Naperville IL

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Ramblings of Bovine inspiration