Angie Ridley's "Let's Talk MI Real Estate"

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Complete Realty, LLC
MI Real Estate Information. Listings, What's happening in the market and more! Genesee County, Lapeer County, and on...



How many of us actually get up and stretch? It's as simple as 1-2-3. This was a dare, well the post were so fun we thought we would share it with our activerain family. Laugh as we did! Happy Stretching...Living up the New Year's Resolution. If you have a video, please share.
This is a huge honor for Complete Realty, LLC.  We can't say "Thank You" big enough.     Serving Purchaser and Sellers.  Please call, our agents will be happy to assist you, market analysis, listings, buyer agency, transaction assistance, and our favorite full service! Again, Thank you from the T...
My real estate business is totally in the cloud thanks to the education I receive through the real estate industry.  Everything I am about to explain I can access from any online computer anywhere in the world and on my smart phone. Tools we use:   1.  Online transaction management system (tms) ...
MI Association of Realtors believes like you do.  Appraisers should join us.  MAR purchased an appraisal management company called Midwest.  The goal is that the lender in MI choose Realtor Appraisers that belong to Midwest.  When Midwest puts an appraiser on an assignment, the appraiser must be...

Angie Ridley

Broker, ABR, CRS, PMN, WCR, At Home With Diversity
local_phone(810) 744-4600
smartphone(810) 730-4532
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Real Estate Information. Listings, What"s happening in the market and more!!!!! I have questions and maybe some answers for you too!