Burbank Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Agent - G & C Properties - 01802303
Check out Burbank real estate information as well as Burbank and San Fernando Valley community information.
Did you know, that City of Burbank has a composting program? The program started back in 1989 and through this program Burbank has been able to keep 50% of it's waste from making it to the landfills! Composting is the process where living organisms turn organic waste and yard waste into a rich am...
Theoretically, short sales should be a win-win for the bank and the homeowner. The bank does not receive the full amount owed on the mortgage and it also does not incur the costs of foreclosure and/or eviction, if necessary. Many homeowners prefer short sales because it is less damaging to their ...
The Mills Act is a fantastic historic property preservation program that many cities have utilized to provide incentive to rehabilitate properties. The Mills Act is a voluntary financial incentive program that enables the City to offer property tax breaks to owners of designated historic properti...
When buying your condo or townhouse, you need to do your homework. Here are some important questions to ask before you make an offer or while you are in the contingency period: 1. Are there any HOA(Homeowners Association) issuesThe seller is legally obligated to provide any information they are a...
A selection of 36 different craft beers(ipa's and non ipa's), wine, and great vegan and non-vegan sausages are just a few of the things that make this dive bar turned craft beer hub absolutely amazing! For the uninitiated they have a great website, Tony'sDA.com, that will guide you through the di...
Many first time home buyers sometimes wonder why they need to go through a title search. Let's first define what a title report is, which is the process of  search through the historical ownership and restrictions of real property. It makes a determination that the seller does indeed own the prop...
National Fire Service Day is this Saturday, May 14th! Every year on the second Saturday of May, we celebrate our dedicated firefighters by having a day where the fire house is open to the public.  Kids and adults alike can come meet our firefighters, ask questions, check out the amazing fire engi...
Ever wonder if there is an easy way to know what's going on in your Burbank neighborhood with respect to proposed projects? The City of  Burbank Planning Department has now made it much easier for you to see what is going in your neighborhood!  Proposed and current projects are available via the ...
Lower property values are making homeownership more attractive than renting in many of our local markets, which means that paying a mortgage may be cheaper than renting in your area, whether you live in Burbank, Toluca Lake, Glendale or Studio City. Buyers have the upper hand as inventories are r...
The Falcon Theater in Burbank was founded by Garry Marshall, who's resume includes the creation of Happy Days, he also directed Pretty Woman, The Princess Diaries etc.  It's truly a jewel in the Burbank community as it provides a fantastic venue for the performing arts. The theater is a composed ...

Ana Connell

Burbank Real Estate Agent
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Housing and economic information and statistics for Burbank, North Hollywood, Hollywood Hills, Studio City , Valley Village, Toluca Lake and surrounding areas of the San Fernando Valley.