With the cost of business offices and suites so high right now, it’s no surprise that more and more companies are asking their employees to work from their spare rooms and garages. With computers, people can easily work from home. Employers cut their expensive office overheads by having their ful...
Business Insurance: every company needs it. Even if you think you have the safest company in the world, don’t risk it. Sometimes it just takes a lawsuit from an unbalanced employee to wipe out a whole business that’s just gotten on its feet. Even if you run a business by yourself somehow, you cou...
I have a wealthy cousin who would probably order a $400 steak just to say he’d done it. I, however, would never in a hundred years purchase a piece of meat that would cost me so much – a piece of meat that, by the end of the day, I would never see again. Or would I? Certainly not intentionally. W...
It’s no secret that we’re in financially tight times. Between the economic crush, sky-high gas prices, and rising food costs, everyone is watching what they spend. It seems like some people can’t even spare a dollar here and there – so naturally, most people aren’t thinking too much about their c...