Mark Your Calendar, Saturday, September 18th! Help cover this event. Be a Citizen Journalist! Text to 90210 "WETHEPEOPLE"        From there we will send you updates on your cell phone so we can send you a location to send in your videos and pictures to prove or disprove what the Liberal Media say...
  "Hero Dogs Of 9/11" is a tribute to the more than 300 search-and-rescue dogs who helped in the rescue effort at the World Trade Center after terrorists attacked on September 11, 2001.      
 Information is the Oxygen of the Modern Age"-Ronald Reagan One of the Great Americans providing that Oxygen is Andrew Breitbart. What a really cool guy!   I had the opportunity to meet and hear Andrew Breitbart at the Dallas Tea Party Election Day Kick-Off. Watch the video below and you will see...
 I wanted to share with you all of the great information for the  'WAKE UP AMERICA TEA PARTY IN FORT WORTH, TEXAS I will be covering this event with Resolute Media Group and the Text to 90210 Citizen Journalist Team. Join us in fighting the Liberal Media and get this event covered. Text to 90210 ...
I am excited to let you all know about an event I will be covering for Resolute Media Group. Andrew Breitbart, Ginny Thomas and many other Conservative Leaders will be speaking for the Dallas Tea Party Election Season Kickoff!   When:  Thursday, September 2, 7:00 pm-9:30 pmWhere:  Mesquite Conven...
As a Catholic I choose to stand with Glen Beck (a Mormon of all faiths) in Restoring Honor in America. As a Catholic I believe in authentic Catholic Teaching. Not Socialism/Marxism. As David Barton states in this wonderful letter he wrote about Glenn Beck. By Their Fruits by David Barton/WallBuil...
History is in the Making!! The number of people at the Lincoln memorial is staggering. These are the people labeled racists by Liberal Media. They are joined by over 100,000 watching live via UStream online. Over 100,000 people watching live on U-Stream. Donate to the Special Operations Warriors ...
 has an idea and we need your help. Please reblog and post on your FB and twitter. We need this to go viral ASAP. "At Resolute Media Group we feel that knowledge is power for "We The People." Truth in reporting on Tea Party and 9-12 events has not been the Liberal Media's strong suite." Saturday ...
 The last U.S. combat troops crossed the border into Kuwait. This will now close the active combat phase of the war that overthrew the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein.   Say what you will of George W. Bush, but he is a man of character and class who truly does love the United States of Ameri...
RACE.....What is it all about.....Power.....For Who? The Tea Party Movement has it right and the Left is once again on the wrong side of history. As the All American Blogger states "Kevin Jackson Verbally Destroys the Left Wing and It's Beautiful  Kevin Jackson, author of the Big Black Lie and Th...

Alice Linahan

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