RECENT BLOG POSTS in conjunction with Voices To Action has launched their 2nd video in the campaign to call on Governor Rick Perry to Veto the current SBOE redistricting map and then Call A Special Session : Here’s the 1st Action Item: Please call & e-mail Gov. Rick Perry and ask him to ve...
Texas Harmony Science Centers Cross Posted from the Inside Scoop with Alice Linahan. I have been covering the Gulen/Cosmos Foundation’s Harmony Schools and publishing the detailed articles and reports from Donna Garner. One of the most disheartening reports has been the connections of former ex...
Great article and information by my good friend Donna Garner. Remember when I was vilified across this state for raising the red flag against Joe Straus becoming the Speaker of the House for a second term? As the legislative session has progressed, I believe most conservatives are beginning to s...
Read and be blessed. Larry Bettag with Cherry Chreek Mortgate is one of my favorite bloggers on Active Rain. When you read you will understand why!! Blessings are still abundant in America and it is through our children that this is proven to me every day!! I will fight daily to keep it that way ...
This is dedicated to all the AMAZING women I know here on ActiveRain. I may not have the availablity to be on here much but I think of you often. Blessings are still abundant!! Check out this wonderful article by my good friend Danna Reubin. She is a brilliant writer and we love sharing her work...
As reported in the North Texas Navigator. Dan Neil - The Next Steps The Texas House committee chaired by Joe Straus appointee Republican Todd Hunter, looking into the recount election in District 48 has voted unanimously that Democrat incumbent Donna Howard of Austin won the election. As state...
As reported in the North Texas Navigator: Texas classroom teachers are losing their jobs by the droves…Save Texas Schools is planning a rally for this Saturday in Austin (March 12) to pressure Texas Legislators not to cut school spending…Texans Together is behind this rally. Wait what is the re...
Check out Resolute Media Group's latest article in the The North Texas Navigator Clear. Concise. Credible Time to TAKE A STAND! Sign the Rainy Day Petition! "If school districts will cut expenses in the right places (e.g., administration, consultants, expensive systemic database/curriculum pr...
The Latest article on the North Texas Navigator. by one of my favorite writers Donna Garner Please listen to this YouTube snippet of National Education Assocation’s (NEA) General Counsel Bob Chanin in 2009 in a segment entitled “It's Money & Power, Not Education.” Now for the good news: T...
It all comes down to the fact that Knowledge is power and in order to hold accountable those who are paid out of the Government coffers it is imperative that we as Americans know how our tax dollars are being spent. Today I was going through my e-mails and up popped one from my children's sc...