The article and video below are important for Americans to read and to watch whether you are Catholic, Baptist or anything else.   JFK's Religion Speech ‘Sincere, Compelling, Articulate - and Wrong'  "Fifty years ago in Houston, John F. Kennedy declared in a famous speechto Protestant ministers t...
If Obama passes his health care plan without a single contributing vote from the Republicans, we'll see it for exactly what it is - a big spending, deficit enriching, potentially bankrupting, unconstitutional attempt to do what shouldn't be done. So don't you dare participate, Republicans. This ...
My prayer today is that Barack Obama somehow hears this song and drops to his knees and has a true conversion and brings about Gods change not Saul Alinsky's agenda.If not then I pray....psalm 109:8 After that I am contacting all the Moderate Democrats in the Senate and pointing out the revelatio...
 Senator Michael Morrissey of Massachusetts This Senator is very scary for America.  Committees on which the legislator serves: Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure (Chair) Telecommunication, Utilities & Energy (Chair) Senate Committee on Ways and MeansSenate Committee on Post Audit and ...
   Could there be a big Surprise in Texas Today??? I believe that is exactly what is going to happen. Let's let the voters decide instead of the talking points from the campaigns.     Here is one more example of why I support Debra Medina for Governor of Texas Debra Medina vs Rick Perry's Senior ...
Last week I posted  This is why I love the Dallas Tea Party Crew!!  about the One Year Anniversary of the Dallas Tea Party. Well what an amazing event the Dallas Tea Party Crew put together and I wanted to share a few of the highlights. These speeches are well worth your time to listen. Other tha...
      Provided to you Exclusively By Russell Ammons   Russell K. Ammons "Your Friend In The Mortgage Business" Office: 940-455-2000 Cell: 940-465-4269 Fax: 940-294-2527 E-Mail:     For the week of Mar 01, 2010 --- Vol. 8, Issue 9             Last Week in Review     "LIKE SLUGGI...
Not only is Marco Rubio the "Real Deal"  in this interview he is right along side a great Talk Radio guy Simon Conway who is the "Real Deal.' Click on their pictures to find out more information on these two great guys!!                He was still coming down from his incredible performance at ...
    Provided to you Exclusively By Russell Ammons   Russell K. Ammons "Your Friend In The Mortgage Business" Office: 940-455-2000 Cell: 940-465-4269 Fax: 940-294-2527 E-Mail:     For the week of Feb 22, 2010 --- Vol. 8, Issue 8           Last Week in Review   "OPINION HAS CAUS...
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J), the 2nd oldest member of the US Senate, has just been diagnosed with stomach cancer. That's unfortunate, but it won't deter him from finishing his current term and even running for another term - which he has announced he intends to do. Doctos say that he is expect...

Alice Linahan

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