I have written a couple of post about Dr. Milton Wolf who happens to be Barack Obama's 2nd Cousin. Here is a Dr. I wish Barak Obama would listen to.......Dr. Milton Wolf Follow-up about Dr. Milton Wolf. Obama's 2nd Cousin, Interview on Fox and Friends. Dr. Wolf has joined the National Tea Party C...
I know some Great Americans who are fighting daily to save America from the Liberal Left. I have a question Are You???? Silence in Consent! Action is what makes the difference. There are some Great Americans who are taking action by Taking the Townhalls to Washington. I would like to share with...
Provided to you Exclusively By Russell Ammons Russell K. Ammons "Your Friend In The Mortgage Business" Office: 940-455-2000 Cell: 940-465-4269 Fax: 940-294-2527 E-Mail: For the week of Mar 15, 2010 --- Vol. 8, Issue 11 Last Week in Review "IF WE HAD NO WINTER......
This is a follow up post to yesterday's Here is a Dr. I wish Barak Obama would listen to.......Dr. Milton Wolf Fox & Friends Interviewed President Obama's Second Cousin Milton R. Wolf, M.D. this morning. It just so happens that Dr. Milton Wolf is Barack Obama's 2nd Cousin. Milton R. Wolf, M.D...
Rep Steve King says "Take the Town Halls to Washington!" Since our elected Representatives won't answer their phones, won't answer our emails, and won't answer questions, we've decided to go and ask them, IN PERSON, our questions about Obamacare. For the next 2 1/2 weeks, we're bringing the Town...
Check out The Wolf Files It just so happens that Dr. Milton Wolf is Barack Obama's 2nd Cousin. Milton R. Wolf, M.D. is a practicing diagnostic radiologist with sub-specialized emphasis in oncology, musculoskeletal and cardiac imaging. Dr. Wolf has join the National Tea Party Coalition and is ...
Wow, Amazing! The "Take the Townhalls to DC" Kick off had to be moved to a larger venue. The media and Washington types have bombarded the Nationwide Tea Party with requests for information and spots to cover the event so we had to move to a larger venue. It is very cool when regular Americans c...
You are looking at Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck E Schumer - the authors of yet another attempt by the President to bring in illegal immigration amnesty. If you don't already know which one is the Republican and which one the Democrat, don't sweat it - it truly doesn't make much difference ...
This is a follow-up to Take the Townhalls to Washington..... I need your help ASAP... We will have a war room setup at TV Worldwide Studios in Chantilly, VA to broadcast these "traveling protests," live and unfiltered. Volunteers will follow the targets with video cameras, ask them pointed quest...
I need your help ASAP.. Please reblog and help me spread the word!! As people in the Real Estate Industry who are seeing exactly how the Obama Administration is "Fundamentally Changing America" it is our turn to Step Up, Speak Out and become engaged in the battle to save our Country. The battle r...