It is time Catholics..... "Break the Conventions. Keep the Commandments." - G.K. Chesterton -Matthew Warner You know those silly old fashion 10 Commandments. Yea, you know the ones they don't want shown publicly because they might offend a nonbeliever. I think maybe they don't want to be reminde...
"When 94 percent of Catholic House Democrats vote to kill children with your tax dollars .. then something has gone horribly wrong." - Michael Voris Catholic Americans we have been deceived by some leaders in our Church and by Catholic in name only Congressmen. We must Speak out and Speak out lou...
Provided to you Exclusively By Russell Ammons Russell K. Ammons "Your Friend In The Mortgage Business" Office: 940-455-2000 Cell: 940-465-4269 Fax: 940-294-2527 E-Mail: For the week of Mar 22, 2010 --- Vol. 8, Issue 12 Last Week in Review "I WILL ACT NOW. I WI...
Get Prepared Folks, here is what is coming next....... Immigration Reform to include Amnesty for 20 Million Illegal Immigrants. Obama and the Democrats will need those votes to stay in power in 2010 and beyond. They are planning on using the Catholic Church again just as they used the Church and ...
Reinforcements Needed in DC Are you within driving distance?Your Country needs you NOW! The final votes in Congress on the Government Takeover of Health Care are tonight between 10 and 11 p.m. Despite overwhelming public opposition, Democrats are working hard to ram this government takeover do...
One of the blessings of my Catholic Faith is the gift of Prayer. I ask you to join me in Praying for our Great Country and our elected officials who are working hard to stand strong against the forces that are working to in-slave America. I also pray for those who are being led by darkness. That...
An Amazing thing happened today. With 48hrs. notice 30,000 Americans showed up to tell Congress to "Kill the Bill" PR Log (Press Release) - Mar 20, 2010 - WEST LAWN OF THE CAPITOL - Final crowd estimates have put the total Tea Party turnout at 30,000, reports Michael Leahy, co-organizer of the gr...
Looks like now the Democrats are going to have press conference after press conference to tell their sad story and that of an American family who is in the midst of a tragedy to convince you it is okay for them to vote for the Government take over of Health-care. Well I just have to say....... ...
It is time for Common Man to take an UnCommon stand!!! We are the ones who make America great!!! Not "Washington DC"!!! Code Red Rally: 12 Noon Saturday Washington DC Click HERE to read the press release With the critical nature of a looming Congressional decision, a broad coalition of Tea...
I got a call today from my friend Ray Myers who happens to be a Great American right along with his beautiful wife. They just got back from Washington DC. Yes, they are some of those Texans who TOOK THE TOWNHALLS TO WASHINGTON. On their drive back they were listening to Rush and heard the g...