"The day after millions of Americans gathered at thousands of locations across the country to voice their displeasure at this relentless transformation - millions shouting "Can you hear us now?" to our dear leaders in Washington - we awoke to this headline: US Senate Climate Bill to be Unveiled ...
Tea Parties Across America.... Are you Armed........ My family and I are heading to the Lone Star Tea Party and hope you will join us or join your own local Tea Parties across America. Question are you "Armed" that is with a Camera or Video Recorder. As many of you have already heard it has been ...
Provided to you Exclusively By Russell Ammons Russell K. Ammons "Your Friend In The Mortgage Business" Office: 940-455-2000 Cell: 940-465-4269 Fax: 940-294-2527 E-Mail: For the week of Apr 05, 2010 --- Vol. 8, Issue 14 Last Week in Review "YOU DON'T ...
Join THOUSANDS of North Texas Patriots this TAX DAY for THE LONE STAR TEA PARTY!!! General Admission is FREE!!! APRIL 15, 2010 - 7:00 PM QUIKTRIP PARK 1600 Lone Star Parkway Grand Prairie, Texas JOIN MY FAMILY AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER TEXANS IN STANDING UP FOR AMERICA!! FEATURING ...
As they said in the Dallas Morning News..... "Broden opposes a government run healthcare system and is a fervent believer in freedom and personal liberty. Broden is a champion of education and educational choice, believing that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty." Click Here f...
Below is information I received from my great friends at the Fredericksburg Tea Party. If you happen to be in Fredericksburg, Texas do not miss the opportunity to join this amazing group of people. Join the Texas Conservative Coalition as we explore what Texas can do to restore liberty by rejec...
I wrote a piece about the fact than Immigration reform is the next legislation to be shoved down our throats Get Prepared Folks, here is what is coming next....... I think Sara Homan's post below is very important. Please take the time to watch the video. The bill on Amnesty is incredibl...
Provided to you Exclusively By Russell Ammons Russell K. Ammons "Your Friend In The Mortgage Business" Office: 940-455-2000 Cell: 940-465-4269 Fax: 940-294-2527 E-Mail: For the week of Mar 29, 2010 --- Vol. 8, Issue 13 In This Issue Last Week in Review: Le...
If you are in the Real Estate Industry do you realize those who are in Power right now are destroying your livelihood and the real estate market. One only has to look at the state of California to see how successful their policies have worked. I encourage you to listen to this clip to see just w...
Do we really Win when we Lose.... The truth is exposed. Baucus: People will be 'wealthier' under new health care act "President Barack Obama made a campaign promise that he would not raise taxes on individuals making under $200,000 or couples under $250,000. However, Senator Max Baucus, a Montan...