Cadey and I are trying to determine what the best closing gifts are. We have tried several and there are a ton out there - what have you used that works? We want something that is 'sticky' and has the possibility of staying around for a while. We are considering using custom made return addres
For those of you who haven't been there, Morikami Gardensis a must see if you live near or are visiting Boca Raton. The gardens are rich in history and offer the visitor an exploration of the development and changes in Japanese Gardens throughout history. The way you see this progression is by
I am constantly amazed at the new fast food options that are being advertised. I mean really a bacon cheeseburger wasn't bad enough but now you can get 2 patties and 6 strips of bacon for a whopping 830 calories and over 50 grams of fat. If you are really hungry or you skipped your morning baker
Just like Blanchard's other books, this one is presented in a story format with an interviewer dissecting various businesses and seeing why they create Raving Fans. It can easily be read in an afternoon but deserves to be read and reread. The contention that customer service is dead is so true
We are blow away on a daily basis by how many Realtors in our area are still discounting their commissions. Thankfully (and predictably) most of the discounted brokerages have gone out of business however there are still a ton of agents from respectable companies that are listing their co-broke
Gone are the days of adding a listing to the MLS and waiting for the calls to come in -- believe me, we miss them. More than ever if you are going to maintain your volume you need to have a plan. Cadey and I have spent the last six months creating systems for everything we do. We have added a
For those of you who have not read it yet I would highly recommend Where have all the Leaders Gone? by Lee Iaccoca. I remember back when Iaccoca took over ?Chrysler and with a team breathed life back into the dying company. I agree with some of his critics that he did not know when to leave and
"The fastest way to get what you want is to help as any people as you can get what they want."--- Napoleon Hill Cadey and I believe that the best book on the Residential Real Estate business ever written is Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller and Dave Jenks. Now before you take a look a
An assignment is the fee that is charged by one person who has an ‘assignable contract' that he assigns to another person or entity. Essentially this fee that is paid to the original contract holder at closing is in exchange for the original contract holder's rights under the contract. This is a
Just in case you haven't heard --- it IS a buyer's market! If you are shopping for a home this put you in great position, especially in South Florida where inventory levels in many areas are at all time (yes all time) highs. From what I have been told much of the rest of the country is in the s