It is really that simple. If anything and I mean anything in a real estate transaction is not on the HUD1 Statement then you are dealing with a fraudulent transaction. Is there a post-occupancy with a security deposit out of proceeds? Then it needs to be on the HUD.Is there an assignment fee
The answer is simple - absolutely not. Now some investors will argue with me that while its true that a seller cannot be compensated for selling their home in a short sale why can't the investor buy say a couch or clothing or some other asset from the seller after closing for say $5,000? The an
With the new Florida market being as challenging as it is, Cadey and I have seen a recent increase in buyers trying to get cash back at closing on our listings. The methods for this have been many up to and including the suggestion by one mortgage broker that we actually write his client a check
The answer is... VERY IMPORTANT! When you are choosing a Realtor or Team to work with you should require them to share their marketing plan with you. Along with the normal things a Realtor normally does (sign, MLS,, etc) make sure they plan on including a virtual tour and multiple p
I talk to about 20 home owners a week that have an ‘appraisal' of their property and are convinced that it represents the current value of their property. Unfortunately today appraisals and actual market value are farther apart than they have ever have been in Florida and I am assuming the same
What is pre-foreclosure and what should I do?? -- This is a question my wife and I answer on a daily basis. Along with:What is Lis Pendens? What is pre-foreclosure?How much time do I have before my house is taken?What if I can't pay? What if I owe more than my house is worth? Cadey and I have s