WARNINGDEFINITION of WARNING notice of a possible danger or problem, so that it can be prevented or avoided.2 CORINTHIANS 13:3 Since you are demanding proof that Christ is speaking through me. He is not weak in dealing with you, but is powerful among you.JAMIESON-FAUSSET-BROWN BIBLE COMMENTARY Si...
A SEVERE TRIAL PSALM 118:18 The LORD has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death. PULPIT COMMENTARY The Lord hath chastened me sore. By the long sufferings of the Captivity. BARNES' NOTES The psalmist had been greatly afflicted, and he now looked upon his affliction in the li...
SHOW PROPER RESPECT TO EVERYONE 1 PETER 2:17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor. ELLICOTT'S COMMENTARY Fear God.—This enforces reverence for every law and ordinance of God.
DISHONORABLE DISCHARGEThe dismissal of someone from the armed forces as a result of criminal or morally unacceptable actions.Some of you may remember the famous Lt. Kelly Flynn case of a few years back. Lt. Kelly Flynn was the Air Force's first female B-52 pilot. Unfortunately, Lt. Flynn was an u...
JEALOUSY CAN OFTEN TIMES BE THE SAME AS COVETINGPROVERBS 27:4 Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?GILL'S EXPOSITION Jealousy privately contrives and works the ruin of another. Jealousy can often times be the same as coveting and that’s the only commandment that...
MAKING THE MOST OF EVERY OPPORTUNITYEPHESIANS 5:16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY Time is a talent given us by God, and it is misspent and lost when not employed according to his design.BARNES' NOTES Here it means, to rescue or recover o...
THE JUDGMENTS OF GODPSALM 21:11-12 Though they intended evil against you and devised a plot, they will not succeed. For you will make them turn their back; You will aim with your bowstrings at their faces.BENSON COMMENTARY The judgments of God are called his arrows, being sharp, swift, sure, and ...
DISCRETION WILL PROTECT YOUPROVERBS 2:11 Discretion will protect you, understanding will guard you.PULPIT COMMENTARY Discretion is an outward manifestation of wisdom; it avoids danger. The word carries with it the idea of reflection or consideration. The idea of protection and guarding.GENEVA STU...
THE COUNSEL OF THE LORDPROVERBS 19:21 Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.BENSON COMMENTARY There are many devices in a man’s heart — Which shall not stand, but be disappointed; many designs and contrivances, which he thinks to be so well devised and...
WHO SAYS ONLY WHAT IS TO THE PURPOSE PROVERBS 21:23 Whosoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles. GILL'S EXPOSITION Guards the one and bridles the other; is careful of what he says, that it is truth, and without dissimulation and guile; and is not injurious to the charact...

April Harper

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