The colors have been struck, laboratories moved and gates padlocked. Now the question for the property that once was Fort Monmouth is: What’s next? Click on the photo to find out how the Agency plans to restore jobs lost with closing.
JUST REDUCED!!! WELCOME TO YOUR DREAM HOME… Incredible value in desirable Willowbrook home. Luxury appointments make this Elegant Stanwick model one of a kind. Over $150,000 of upgrades since the current owner purchased the home. Newly appointed stone front, luxury landscaping installed, expanded
Asbury Partners, the city’s waterfront developer, has bought the unfinished Esperanza high-rise site from Capital One Bank, which had foreclosed on the project, a company official said Friday.See what this will do for the Jersey's Shore up and coming waterfront of Asbury Park. Prices are low here
ASBURY PARK — The century-old Savoy Theatre is going to be saved and renovated into a state-of-the art live performance theater. Click here for the entire story...
Cost Effective Solutions for Getting Those Home Improvement Projects Finished
iReport (— It's been less than 24 hours and the Asbury Park beachfront is, well, gone. As you can see in this video massive 15 foot waved plunge the boardwalk. At this point there is no one down in this area except police personal and news stations.
FREEHOLD, NJ – As summer winds down and hurricane season revs up, the Monmouth County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) wants residents to be ready for storms and other emergencies. “Taking some basics steps now means you will be ready for virtually any big weather event or other disaster that
Listing Price: 220000Address: 191 CLEVELAND AVENUECity: OLD BRIDGEState: NJZIP: 08879MLS # (if any): 21126609Square Feet: Bedrooms: 2Bathrooms: 1.5Status: ACTIVEPride in ownership shows in this cute home. Completely updated and sitting on a nice size 50x80 lot. Newer Roof, Kitchen, Floors, New C
| By Ann Brenoff | Posted Jun 17th2011 1:37PM Foreclosure via Facebook? With roughly 4 million foreclosures inthe pipeline in this country, some legal experts say it's just a matter of time until lenders win the right to serve foreclosuredocuments through the giant social network. That day has a