ActiveRain Success Stories

Candi Crandall: Real Estate Agent in Modesto, CA Candi Crandall said almost 12 years ago,
"I am a member of the Council of Residential Specialist, California Association of Realtors, National Association of Realtors, Lodi Association of Realtors, Metrolist, St.Stanislaus Church and Modesto Garden Club. I also hold the e-Pro designaiton. I write a newsletter to keep my clients, friends and relatives informed of items of interest. If you would like to be included please provide me with your e-mail address. Email me at:
Thank you for visiting today"
Dominic Kirchner II, - Dominic Kirchner (Hampden Homebuyers): Real Estate Agent in East Longmeadow, MA Dominic Kirchner II, - Dominic Kirchner (Hampden Homebuyers) said almost 12 years ago,
"My biggest success on ActiveRain is the enjoyment that I receive from being a member of the site. I enjoy reading various blogs that other have written and I get the change to occasionally write a blog myself. I hope that others enjoy my blogs as well."
John Gonzales, Mettopolis Realty of Colorado (Metropolis Realty): Real Estate Broker/Owner in Denver, CO John Gonzales, Mettopolis Realty of Colorado (Metropolis Realty) said almost 12 years ago,
"Looking to have Active Rain Success. I see the market in Denver changing. Good storm is coming soon!"
Al Raymondi, Ormond By The Sea Florida - Home and Condo Sales (Ocean View Realty Group in Ormond By The Sea Florida): Real Estate Broker/Owner in Ormond Beach, FL Al Raymondi, Ormond By The Sea Florida - Home and Condo Sales (Ocean View Realty Group in Ormond By The Sea Florida) said almost 12 years ago,
"Active Rain Success Story

The activity generated on the Internet by active rain blogging, I am sure helps drive traffic to the Ocean View Realty Group web sites and that is an important aspect of marketing and advertising in the current environment.
Not often can we pin a customer down to exactly how and where they found us on the internet. There was recently an instance where a prospective tenant found Ocean View Realty Group on the Active Rain network and we were able to place them in one of our rental properties. Thanks Active Rain."
Angela Merimon, Angela Merimon (Team Linda Simmons Real Estate-Dothan Branch): Real Estate Agent in Enterprise, AL Angela Merimon, Angela Merimon (Team Linda Simmons Real Estate-Dothan Branch) said almost 12 years ago,
"Thanks to my ActiveRain account, I was contacted by Homes for Heroes to become a REALTOR Affiliate. I have three generations in my family that serve or have served with the Army’s 101st Airborne, and when I learned of the Homes for Heroes program I knew immediately that their philosophy of giving back was a perfect fit for me!

Homes for Heroes allows me to offer a higher level of service to my community than ever before. I truly feel that giving back to those that sacrifice for our nation and our communities is an honor and I am proud to do just that through Homes for Heroes! I look forward to being the real estate resource for all of our local Heroes in the Wiregrass area and helping my local HEROES save money when buying or selling a home."
Susan Mangigian, Chester & Delaware County Homes, Delaware and Ches (RE/MAX Preferred): Real Estate Sales Representative in West Chester, PA Susan Mangigian, Chester & Delaware County Homes, Delaware and Ches (RE/MAX Preferred) said almost 12 years ago,
"The success story for me is the quality of friendships that I have developed with Real Estate and Mortgage professionals all across our country. If someone needs to relocate to another area, I know someone, and someone of good character and quality to refer them to. Just last year, I was able to call on Russell Lewis, to show a friend's daughter around Austin and to help her rent her first apartment. This was more a favor than anything, but Russell dove into it like it was a $500,000 buyer. He even put his own money up as a deposit when the girl had forgotten her check book! My friend was so touched and of course, reimbursed him immediately.

Also last year, Neal Bloom whom I met very early on in my sojourn into this site, helped my husband sell his late father's home. I just wrote about that experience. Neal went above and beyond, treating us like family.

My own success that I can tie directly to Active Rain is a listing and a sale in a neighborhood, Hersheys Mill, that I often write about. Both clients found me through articles I wrote here on Active Rain. I have another listing right now that came about because I often write about my support for the Susan Komen foundation.

I love Active Rain and I am very grateful to part of this group."
Tina Gleisner, Home Tips for Women (Home Tips for Women): Services for Real Estate Pros in Portsmouth, NH Tina Gleisner, Home Tips for Women (Home Tips for Women) said almost 12 years ago,
"I told my marketing coach that I wanted a VA (Virtual Assistant) who would not only edit my articles and publish them across the web (called article marketing), but also add photos, embellish with just the right touch when I don't have time. She told me that wasn't likely as VAs are more administrative. Thanks to Active Rain, my new "article marketing" VA is Anne Marie Malfi. I loved her short, well organized & graphics ... and then saw right on the left column, that she was involved in marketing too."
James Daniel Jr., Before You Buy or Sell Talk To James  210-560-3755 (Keller Williams Realty-City View): Real Estate Agent in San Antonio, TX James Daniel Jr., Before You Buy or Sell Talk To James 210-560-3755 (Keller Williams Realty-City View) said almost 12 years ago,
"After only being on ActiveRain for less than one month. I'm already seeing results. I got an email from a title company representative that lives in one of the communities that I blogged about. He was looking for information on a new construction site that was going on close to the community. He did a Google search for the name that was on the construction site signage and his zip code and my blog post come up number 1 on Google. He emailed me to tell me the news and started asking about blogging. He saw first hand how blogging can help you get found on Google. I will continue to blogging and sharing the great benefits."
Raul Torresillas, Raul Torresillas (Halconaria): Real Estate Agent in Atka, AK Raul Torresillas, Raul Torresillas (Halconaria) said almost 12 years ago,
Alchemy Real Estate Group Seattle Real Estate, Represent Seattle's Builders & Intelligent Clients (Alchemy Real Estate Group): Managing Real Estate Broker in Seattle, WA Alchemy Real Estate Group Seattle Real Estate, Represent Seattle's Builders & Intelligent Clients (Alchemy Real Estate Group) said almost 12 years ago,
"ActiveRain is SEO speed. Seattle New Construction. Seattle Land. Seattle Land Development. Seattle Commercial. Alchemy Real Estate. Seattle's Best Builders. Gabe Rosenshine. Jay Miller."
Gayle Beyer, Port St Lucie FL Real Estate Broker (Welcome Center Realty 772-336-8583, FLA777): Real Estate Broker/Owner in Port St Lucie, FL Gayle Beyer, Port St Lucie FL Real Estate Broker (Welcome Center Realty 772-336-8583, FLA777) said almost 12 years ago,
"In networking with other Rainmakers I took on a few blogging challenges and have learned the keys to successful blogging for Search Engine Optimization and now my website is attracting more visitors and my internet leads have increased. I can now sell more Port St Lucie, St Lucie County Florida Homes."
Jaime Ornelas, Jaime Ornelas (Jaime Ornelas Fitness): Services for Real Estate Pros in Bostonia, CA Jaime Ornelas, Jaime Ornelas (Jaime Ornelas Fitness) said almost 12 years ago,
"“Love your body, it will surely repay you”
By Jaimes Ornelas

Do not blame genetics..
Do not blame a busy schedule
Do not blame School/work
Do not blame the weather
If you want it
Get it...

Who doesn't want a perfect body?
Whether you say or not, but surely you have dreamed of a perfect fit and fine body.
But we always thinks that the road which maps from fat to fit is impossible.

Do you know what do i think?
I think “Impossible” itself says “I m possible”.And you can also switch from fat to fit with a healthy diet and perfect workout according to your body.

I am sure above lines has motivated you.But I don't need your motivation of just few minutes which will last a maximum of few days.I need your perfect dedication without any excuses to achieve healthy body.

Always remember “ I m talking about healthy body, not just a skinny body”


Don't stop yourself
from being healthy and fit
Show others what you can do,
Accomplish something special
Not for others but now for yourself...

Steps to move on the Road of Fat to fit:-

Step 1:-Know the power of water..

Water sounds so simple.But It's true your body loves water.
Lets start just counting the health benefits of drinking water..
Helpful in weight loss,relieve fatigue,get younger and sparkling skin,removes toxins from the body,improves digestion,risk of cancer get reduced and lots more.

Step 2:-Don't forget the meaning of Calories

“I Love chocolates , and i think you too.”
But do you know your body loves it or not?
Before eating , first ask your body “Am i eating choclate or choclate eating me?”

Yes, high calorie diet is eating you day by day.Replace it with some yummiee fruits or vegetables.You may also try some healthy shakes .

Step 3:-Promise yourself to take care of your body

Give me a promise that you will take care of your body.
You will start jogging,
you will eat nutritious food
you will not mess up your health just because of your work.

“Love your body, it will surely repay you”"
Mark Loewenberg, KW   561-214-0370 (KW of the Palm Beaches): Real Estate Agent in Palm Beach Gardens, FL Mark Loewenberg, KW 561-214-0370 (KW of the Palm Beaches) said almost 12 years ago,
"Posting blogs and having them go immediately to Google's search engine!"
Mike Jaquish, 919-880-2769  Cary, NC, Real Estate (Realty Arts): Real Estate Broker/Owner in Cary, NC Mike Jaquish, 919-880-2769 Cary, NC, Real Estate (Realty Arts) said almost 12 years ago,
"Success in ActiveRain?
I think Success can be measured in several ways. Yes, I have been fortunate enough to have garnered business opportunities from being involved in the AR Community. Just as importantly is the education one can receive in this very open community atmosphere of sharing and discussion. I have learned so much about real estate practice, technology, blogging, and how various regions' practices, laws and customs vary from those in Cary and Raleigh, North Carolina.
Thank you, ActiveRain!"
Dinah Jackson: Real Estate Agent in Pensacola, FL Dinah Jackson said almost 12 years ago,
"I'm an avid dancer hoping to make it big."
Maikol Akintonde, Maikol Akintonde: Real Estate Agent in Frankfort, IL Maikol Akintonde, Maikol Akintonde said almost 12 years ago,
"I worked with a homeowner who needed to sell her home as a short sale. What's significant about this deal was that her home was previously listed by another agent for $50,000 which had been on the market for months with no offers. They eventually got an offer, however after 10 months of negotiations, the bank declined the offer.

The homeowner was distraught and didn't know what to do.

I listed the same property for $99,000 and within a week, I had 2 offers - My Seller was ecstatic! My Team negotiated with the bank who took 1 month to accept the offer, however in the end, the buyer's financing fell apart.

I re-listed the property again for $99,000, and this time I had 3 offers, 1 of which for more than the asking price. Again My Team dealt with the bank who accepted the offer, and within 1 month we closed.

I strongly recommend anyone who is looking to sell their home as a Short Sale, to ensure that your agent/broker knows what they're doing, and have a strong Team in place to get the deal closed. Ask questions such as how many short sales they've worked on, what kind of team will do the negotiations with the bank. I know that sometimes we have relatives and friends who are agents, but short sales are very tricky, and if you don't have the right people in place your deal is sunk!"
Fiona Barone (Re/Max Advantage Plus): Real Estate Agent in Boca Raton, FL Fiona Barone (Re/Max Advantage Plus) said almost 12 years ago,
"I have so many success stories, each and every sale is a success, however a short sale I did with clients who were not delinquent just under water and we were able to close the short sale and role them into another (affordable) purchase, with the help of the short sale lender, I think is the most amazing and unbelievable sale and purchase combined, I've ever had, and the credit remained unblemished!!!"
Tom Kelsey (Lorimont L.C.): Commercial Real Estate Agent in Cape Girardeau, MO Tom Kelsey (Lorimont L.C.) said almost 12 years ago,
"Building long-term buisness relationships with fellow real estate professionals as well as served clients has made for a wonderful real estate career throughout the years. My grandfather, Harry Kelsey (1898-1967) sales motto was "serve your customer's needs first and the compensation will always follow". That motto of putting the client's interest first has always served me well!"
Pat Haddad, ABR, CRS, ePRO, GRI, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield IN Real Estate Expert (Keller Williams Indianapolis Metro NE): Real Estate Agent in Carmel, IN Pat Haddad, ABR, CRS, ePRO, GRI, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield IN Real Estate Expert (Keller Williams Indianapolis Metro NE) said almost 12 years ago,
"ActiveRain is a gift in my Inbox every day of the week! I have been inspired to do my best, encouraged to do more, and given information to help me succeed. It would be nearly impossible to count all of the successes I have had in my business and my personal life that are directly attributable to this great forum. My internet presence continues to be near the top in my area thanks to all the blog posting and comments made. Nearly half of my business comes from the internet and I am in the top 1% out of over 6,000 agents in my area---so this is no small achievement! ActiveRain holds that carrot out in front of me and makes me want to participate. Participation is the key to more exposure and more knowledge. I cannot thank AR enough for lighting my fire!!"
Shane Cook, Residential and Commercial Realtor (My Home Group): Real Estate Agent in Gilbert, AZ Shane Cook, Residential and Commercial Realtor (My Home Group) said almost 12 years ago,
"My success story is clearly meeting Ricky Khamis here on Active Rain and learning from him how to use AR to blog and get first page Google results. You can use these blogs to promote properties, your websites, other websites, or anything you feel important to promote. He also introduced me to which allows me to make easy property websites for driving traffic too through my blogs. Although I have just begun to use the system I have been taught, I am already seeing great results.

Thanks ActiveRain, Ricky, and"